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Ancora Kids Remember JesusSample

Ancora Kids Remember Jesus

DAY 3 OF 3


Have you ever fallen asleep and missed something important?

Read Mark chapter 14, verses 32 to 42 to see what happened when Jesus prayed.

How loyal were Jesus’ friends?

Were they:

· Not interested

· A bit interested

· Quite faithful

· Fairly faithful

· Totally loyal

How loyal would you say you are to Jesus?

Are you:

· Not interested

· A bit interested

· Quite faithful

· Fairly faithful

· Totally loyal

This prayer-time in the garden was probably the worst moment of Jesus’ life so far. Look at the Bible verses again and see how many ‘unhappy’ words you can find (there are lots!).

What did Jesus pray?

To find out what happened next, look for the Bible reading plan: Ancora Kids At The Trial.

Pray. Talk to Jesus about being his friend.

Ancora Kids! Play the interactive Bible app Guardians of Ancora. Download from your usual app store.


Day 2

About this Plan

Ancora Kids Remember Jesus

This three day Bible reading plan retraces what happened in one evening when Jesus and his followers ate a Passover meal together. It was an evening that did not end well. Find out what happened as you read what Mark wrote in his gospel. The plan complements the free children’s game app Guardians of Ancora . 


We would like to thank Guardians Of Ancora for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: