Love MercySample

Mercy that Can!
Sandrins watched her sisters leave for school. She desperately wanted to go with them, but her clubbed foot meant she was left behind.
In Madagascar, orthopaedic care is out of reach for the poorest of the poor. But Mercy Ships’ hospital ship had arrived offering free surgeries!
Sandrins’ mother carried her eight-year-old daughter on her back to the patient screening. And they heard the words that would change Sandrins’ life forever, “This is a surgery we can do.”
The little girl asked her mother, “Do you mean if this man fixes my foot I can return to school?” Her mother smiled warmly and nodded. And that’s when Sandrins knew she would no longer be left behind. Mercy can, and mercy will change everything, when God is involved!
Our daily acts of mercy could leave us tired or feeling burnt out. Our first passage today from the letter to the Galatians recognises that weariness is a real possibility in a life of service. It goes on to suggest an answer - to remember ‘why’ we are serving and showing mercy. Verse 9 says, ‘for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’
We do not toil in vain. God sees our efforts and has a reward waiting for the faithful. Every act of mercy is like a seed sown, that will one day be harvested (v9). We do not serve in order to get the reward, but knowing God sees our good works and our heart, can give us hope and can help sustain us.
We even read in Matthew that Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Let this give you encouragement and renewed strength today. You can go on. You can serve God. You can show mercy to others. With God’s help, you can! And with every act of love and mercy you show to the poor, the hungry, the sick, the captive or the homeless – you are serving Jesus Himself. God will not this this go unnoticed or unrewarded! One day, Jesus will say to you, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. (v34).
Call to action –Mercy Ships is a global charity that seeks to ‘serve Jesus’, by serving the poor and the sick. Perhaps this is one way you could do good works and show acts of mercy, by joining with Mercy Ships as a volunteer or as a supporter, or simply through faithful prayer. To see the impact this ministry makes watch Fifalina’s story. Visit our webpage for more information and more Bible resources:
About this Plan

God has shown us what He requires (Micah 6:8) - to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him. In this seven day plan, we go deeper into His mercy with real testimonies from Mercy Ships, questions to help us apply God's word, and passages which draw us into His ways. We start with His great love and mercy for us, and only then do we look outward.
We would like to thank Mercy Ships for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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