If There Were No ResurrectionSample

Sin Would Be Sovereign, and Death Would Have Dominion
Just as the resurrection gives us a reason to preach and a foundation for our faith, it also demonstrates Christ’s power over sin and death. We see in Christ’s rising that God accepted His payment for sin, and that He conquered death by being the first to escape its clutches. Because of the resurrection, His righteousness is imputed to us, and we are saved from the sting of death, free to live without fear of the future.
Let’s look first at His victory over sin. If there’s no resurrection, there’s no Savior; if there’s no Savior, there’s no forgiveness of sin; if there’s no forgiveness, there’s no justification—we’re not right with God! If there’s no justification, there’s no cleansing…this means the penalty of our sins is still on our shoulders, destining us for death and hell. If there is no resurrection, we are sinners who have to face our sins, die, and go to hell. Because there is a resurrection, however, we have all of the above things! We are washed clean, and we no longer have to fear death.
There’s another component to Christ’s victory over death: without the resurrection, we would never see our deceased family again. There would be no future hope of seeing those who have gone before us. Our purpose for living is reduced to trying to squeeze whatever meaningless pleasure we can out of the few years we have left. What a bleak future to anticipate!
However, we know that this is not God’s plan! Because of Christ’s victory, we are guaranteed to see those of our loved ones who have trusted in Christ. We are guaranteed a reunion in a perfect eternity, where every weakness and imperfection are washed away! Today, thank God for his victory over death, and the hope that we have in Him!
We hope you have found this plan to be helpful in your spiritual life. For more information or additional resources from Rev. Jasper Williams, Jr., click this link .
About this Plan

This timeless Easter sermon outlines the process of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and victory over sin and death. By studying the revelation of Christ’s sacrifice, we come to understand that, without the resurrection, there would be no hope for believers. There is great comfort, joy, and confidence in knowing that we are right with God. This is only because Jesus rose again!
We would like to thank Rev. Jasper Williams, Jr. in conjunction with Four Rivers Media for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://jasperwilliams.com/
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