7 Days To Becoming A More Generous PersonSample
Generous with our encouragement.
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. — Mother Teresa
Words have power. While they may not physically injure us, they can most definitely harm our spirits. What if we choose to be light bringers in this world that seems to be in ample supply of discouragement? What if we spent our days looking to be courage transplanters in order to brighten someone else’s life? So, let’s make sure that our words and actions bring encouragement instead of tearing people down.
Here are some ways that we can deposit kindness into a person’s day:
If you think a kind thought, say it.
This is probably one of the harder things for people to do. Either because we don’t consistently think nice things about people or we are afraid of how someone will respond. Will they say “thank you” or will they cast away our kindness because it makes them feel uncomfortable when they are complimented or encouraged? We can’t allow either to deter us from being obedient to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If we are compelled to encourage someone with our words, let’s speak it.
If you see a need you can meet, do it.
We see people in need everyday. It could be the mom with a screaming toddler at the grocery store who left her wallet at home and can’t pay for her groceries. If we have the financial means, let’s help her. Maybe it’s the elderly man who can’t seem to pick something up or open a door. Chances are we can help him. Needs do not need to be huge to make a difference in someone’s life. We can be a source of encouragement in the smallest of acts.
If you see a burden, pray for it.
Most of us wish we prayed more for other people. But we just don’t. We say, “I’ll be praying for you” and then we don’t and end up feeling awful that we didn’t. Instead of saying what we will pray for, let’s actually pray. We could even pray in that very moment...in public! We have no idea what that kind of action will do for someone. Or we could just pray silently and then send a follow-up text saying, “I prayed for you today!”
May we have eyes to see the opportunities and ways to impact someone today and everyday. They are all around us.
- Does encouraging others come easy for you? Why?
- Of the three suggestions above, which one will you begin to incorporate into each day to build up someone?
- Before you finish the day, encourage someone.
About this Plan
Generous living isn’t just about the acts we do—it’s a heart we allow God to cultivate within us. It is a journey of the heart and seeing everything we have as a gift from God. In this Bible Plan, we’ll discover that generous living goes way beyond our personal finances— it’s an others-focused lifestyle we live.
This original Bible Plan was created and provided by YouVersion.