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[Who's your One? Series] On Earth, As It Is In HeavenSample

[Who's your One? Series] On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

DAY 6 OF 6

Fish for PeopleSpiritually Reproduce

Have you ever tried to restrain yourself from sharing a wonderful piece of news? It is almost impossible to do. Could you keep to yourself that you have found the answer to curing cancer or the solution to end sadness, depression, and every evil work of the Devil that you can think of? It would be impossible to have such a treasure in your hands and not share it with those in need.

When something extraordinary happens to you, when you discover the fountain of life and His healing waters fill you up, you will not be able to contain the rivers of life that will overflow from your innermost self (John 7:38). Becoming a “fisherman of people” is the result that overflows from our personal relationship with our Rabbi Jesus.

It is so common for us Christians to feel guilty about not sharing the gospel. We often forget that the way we live our own lives speak volumes to people. Your colleagues and school mates are constantly watching your reactions and attitudes in the way you handle problems and struggles. 

Jesus’ disciples followed Him everywhere; they saw that He had a solution to every sickness and trouble. They learned to trust Him in their daily walk; their faith grew as they could see the Spirit of the Lord upon Jesus, proclaiming the good news to the poor, freedom to the prisoners and the oppressed, recovery of sight for the blind, and the time of the Lord’s favor upon the earth (Luke 4:18–19).

Jesus called His disciples to become part of God’s eternal plan. Jesus had a purpose; He had come to earth to look for those who were lost. He needed first-hand eyewitnesses who could testify to others about the wonderful news of salvation for all people. That has been God’s purpose from before the creation of the world—to save us and show us His eternal and unfailing love.

Becoming a living testimony of the wonderful news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the natural and consequential result of following Jesus. You will spiritually reproduce and become a “fisher of men” because this is the natural response of a child of God to the gospel.

My question for you today is, “Who’s your one? Who is that person that you are going to pray for and preach the gospel to?” Write that name down, put them on your fridge, inside your Bible, next to your nightstand, and pray for them every day. Ask God to help you identify one person that you can, with the help of the Holy Spirit, bring to Christ this year.


Beloved Father, I come in Jesus’ name and ask you to show me the one, that one person that you have put in my way, so that I can share Christ with them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

This devotional plan is based on Who’s Your One? Series preached by Pastor Gregg Matte. To watch the whole sermon, please follow this link:

Day 5

About this Plan

[Who's your One? Series] On Earth, As It Is In Heaven

We often wonder about our purpose in life. Jesus does not call us because we know how to do everything. Our primary call is to follow Him—ministry is an overflow of our daily walk with God. Jesus chooses those who are willing to walk with Him and be a blessing to those around them. In doing so, God’s will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.


We would like to thank Gregg Matte for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: