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Start a Group @ HomeSample

Start a Group @ Home

DAY 8 OF 8


LOOK BACK (1/3 of your time)

Care Share a meal, a refreshment, a story from this week, or an answer to prayer. How has everyone’s personal relationship with God been? If anyone is struggling, pray for him/her, and stay after to care for that person. 

Cast Vision (Never skip) Share a story from the Bible, a personal story, an inspiring slogan or song to encourage one another to share Jesus with others, to start new groups, and to help others do the same. You can use one of the following Bible passages to get started: Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 10:1-11, Acts 1:8, Luke 19:1-10, Matthew 13:1-23

Check-up (Never skip) How have you obeyed what you have learned? Who have you trained in what you have learned? With whom have you shared your story or God’s story? .    

LOOK UP (1/3 of your time) 

Acts 2:42-47, 1 Corinthians 11:23-34 

Pray and Talk with God Simply and Briefly. 

Read and Discuss. Ask God to teach you this passage. Read this week’s passage. 

1. What did you like about this passage?

2.What did you find difficult about this passage? 

Read this week’s passage again. 

3.What does this passage teach about people? 

4.What does this passage teach about God?  

LOOK FORWARD (1/3 of your time)

Obey. Train. Share. (Never skip) Have everyone in the group pray for the Spirit to show them how to answer these questions, then make commitments. Write the commitments down. 

5. How will you obey this passage? I will.... 

6. Who will you train with this passage? Name a believer: 

7. With whom will you share your story or the story of God? Name an unbeliever:

PRACTICE (Never Skip) Discuss what your group needs to do to become like the church described in the passages. As a group, on a blank paper, draw a dotted line circle representing your own group. Above it, list 3 numbers: the number regularly attending (stick figure), the number believing in Jesus (cross) and the number baptized after believing (water). 

If your group has committed to be a church, make the dotted line circle solid. If you regularly practice each of the following elements then draw a picture of the elements inside your circle. If you do not do the element or you wait for an outsider to come do it, then draw the element outside the circle. 

1. Commitment to be a church: solid line instead of dotted line. 

2. Baptism- water

3. Bible- book

4. Commemorate Jesus w/ bread and water- cup 

5. Fellowship- heart

6. Giving and ministry- money sign

7. Prayer- praying hands

8. Praise- raised hands

9. Telling people about Jesus- friend holding hands with a friend he led to faith

10. Leaders- two smiling faces 


What is your group missing that would help make it a healthy church? 

Tell your story and Jesus’ story to 5 people this week. Do this every week.

Talk With God In groups of two or three, pray for every member individually. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the people who will be hearing about Jesus this week. Ask Him to give you the strength to be obedient to your commitments. 


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Day 7