One of Them (Bringing Bold Faith to a Broken World)Sample
Forgive them? Really?
Father, forgive them, He said. Jesus being fully human and fully
divine at the same time had every right to die with an attitude towards
everyone. Yet, He says forgive them.
I am a fan of forgiveness and I love to preach about forgiving
others. Forgiveness is freedom from a self-created prison that the
other person knows nothing about. And unforgiveness is like drinking
poison and waiting for the other person to die. We must learn to
forgive and if Jesus could forgive, surely, we can forgive as well.
The mistake we most often make is that we see ourselves in the
group of people who Jesus died for but fail to accept that he was also
talking about us when he said forgive them.
Some of you are wondering, how could Jesus have been talking
about me when I wasn’t there. I wasn’t even born yet. Jesus was
crucified over 2000 years ago and I’m grateful that He died for my
sins, but Jesus wasn’t talking about me. I’m not “one of them.” Am I?
Surely, He was talking about the people who were mocking him
and saying, ‘He saved others save yourself!’ Jesus was talking about
the soldiers who beat him and drove the nails into his hands and feet.
Yeah, and Pilate who allowed the unjust sentence. Oh, and Barabbas
who should have been killed, so Jesus could be set free.
Jesus was talking about Peter who denied knowing him and Judas
who betrayed him. Not me!
“Forgive them Father for they know not what they do.”
There is no way Jesus was talking about me.
Yes. He was. You are “one of them.”
You may not have been there physically to beat Jesus, but you
have whipped Him with your negative words and mocked Him with
your disbelief. And like Judas, you have sold Jesus out and betrayed
Him for a little bit of money or status or to accomplish your own
personal agenda. Your 30 pieces of silver came in the form of a
house, car, designer clothes, or maybe a degree. You made money a
bigger, better god than Jesus.
You are “one of them.” And like Peter, you have denied Jesus.
You have walked with Jesus and witnessed many miracles, yet when
you were afraid, your words and actions screamed out, “I don’t know
Like the crowds, you have celebrated Jesus on one day only to
turn your back on Him a few days later. Like Barabbas, you have
been the guilty one who should have died for your sins; and you
celebrate the freedom that came from Christ dying in your place
without acknowledging Jesus or living in a way that at least shows
you are grateful.
You have done things that are like driving nails into the hands and
feet of God, and you have done them repeatedly. Jesus said forgive
them. He saw through the window of time and space to you being you
and needing God to forgive you, too.
You are “one of them!”
This devotion doesn’t have a feel-good illustration. It is only a
reminder that you are “one of them” and you are forgiven. Your
challenge is to live in a way that never takes that forgiveness for
Father, thank You for Your grace and mercy. Forgive me for
not always living a life that is pleasing to You. Forgive me for my
unforgiveness of others. Thank You for the reminder to live my
life with gratitude that I am forgiven. In Jesus’s name. Amen.
What do you hear God saying to you through this reading?
Change-Reaction Challenge
Your challenge is to write a letter of apology to God and ask His forgiveness for any and all things you have done to offend Him.
About this Plan
What are you afraid of? What’s wrong with being "one of them"? This 5-day Bible Plan is designed to inspire and encourage you to take your faith to a deeper level. To be 'one of them' is to accept the assignment to win souls and make disciples. These devotions will help you to stand bold in this broken world and declare that you are "One of Them"!
We would like to thank New Mindz, LLC for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: