Scandalous FavourSample

‘By one offering He (Jesus) has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.’ Hebrews 10:14 NKJV
It is time for you to stop seeing yourself as broken, imperfect, and sinful. This kind of thinking is not in line with the precious and complete work Jesus accomplished on the cross for you. Let your thinking be renewed today to see yourself as He sees you.
He ‘has’ (past tense) made you ‘perfect’ forever. He did this. Not you. All your sins were dealt with; past, present, and future, once and for all time on the cross.
‘Sanctified’ is a big word, but it simply means ‘made holy.’ You are always ‘being made holy’ by what Jesus did on the cross. That ‘one offering’ has cleansed your entire life from sin. You have been, you are, and you will always be made HOLY in Jesus. No matter how many times you stumble, no matter how many shortcomings are in your life, He keeps making you perfect and Holy as you continue to place your faith in His gifted righteousness and grace.
Verses 10 says, ‘we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once and for all.’
Sanctification or being ‘made Holy’ is not up to you. It has everything to do with Jesus, and his work was complete. Holiness is not a work for you to perform; it was finished back on the cross once and for all time.
Many people struggle to see their future sins as already wholly dealt with. This thinking minimises the fact that all our sins were in the future when Jesus sanctified us once and for all time back on the cross 2000 years ago.
Believing that you have been ‘perfected forever’ and are perpetually made Holy is one of the most freeing revelations you can ever know.
You can live this year no longer worried about stuffing up or falling short or getting it wrong. We will all fall short in some ways, but this won’t change our position of perfection and holiness.
This beautiful revelation breaks the power of insecurity. And your Father in Heaven desperately wants you to live free from insecurity in His love.
No father wants his kids, insecure, ever. This revelation releases you from fear and unlocks unshakeable assurance over your future. It is how His perfect love casts out all fear of condemnation and future judgement - through this understanding - as you place your faith in it. So, believe it today!
Also, something transformative happens as we begin to see ourselves this way. We begin to become what we behold in ourselves. Perfect and holy.
As we behold the perfection and holiness of Jesus in our lives as we look at ourselves in the mirror, we are transformed into that same image by the Spirit of the Lord. This transformative work of amazing grace has changed the vilest of scoundrels into the nicest individuals you’ll ever meet. Thank God for that. “Jesus continue this work in all of us” we pray.
How you see yourself is so vital. Renew your mind and align your thinking with what God says about you. See yourself as unbroken, untarnished, unviolated, innocent, perpetually perfect, and thoroughly holy in Christ – not by your works or your own merit – but by His Grace (unmerited favour) alone.
Beloved, all things are possible with God, and all things are possible for the one who believes.
For more teaching by pastor GarryMac and METRO Church Australia, visit the METRO TV archives on our website.
About this Plan

The Word of God is given to divinely renew our minds with Heaven’s thoughts towards us. See yourself blessed; crowned with goodness, dripping with His abundant favour. Not favour you have earned or deserved by your own wisdom, strength or your good works. Scandalous favour is the product of His abundance of grace and the free gift of His righteousness alone. Unmerited favour! Grace.
We would like to thank METRO Church Australia for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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