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DAY 2 OF 5

Safety Last

There is a new idol in America. It’s not one of the usual suspects—sex, drugs, or materialism. This new idol is so powerful and pervasive that it can dominate your decisions and determine your destiny.

What is this idol? The idol of safety.

Americans have grown up obeying signs posted everywhere: Safety First!

A pastor named Scott Dudley noted in a sermon how, over the last thirty years, we have created the most risk-averse society in history. We are the most seat-belted, bike-helmeted, air-bagged, kneepad-wearing, private-schooled, gluten-freed, hand-sanitized, peanut-avoiding, sunscreen-slathering, hyper-insured, massively medicated, password-protected, valet-parked, security-systemed, inoculated generation in history—and all it has done is make everyone more afraid of everything.

I’m not talking about taking risks for risk’s sake, but I believe this new safety idol is destroying our faith. Paul Tournier wrote, “All of us have vast reservoirs of full potential. But the roads that lead to those reservoirs are guarded by the dragon of fear.”

One night Jesus took Peter on a real adventure. He put the disciples in a boat and sent them ahead of Him to cross a five-mile-wide lake, the Sea of Galilee. Then the storm hit. Late at night, hours into the dangerous deluge, they were still laboring to get to the other side. That’s when they saw Jesus walking toward them on the water.

Matthew recorded Peter’s response in Matthew 14:28–29.

You also may know the rest of the story. Peter has gotten flak for two thousand years for taking his eyes off Jesus and starting to sink. But in my book, he’s a hero. Why? The other eleven disciples stayed in the boat and never even gave it a shot. They missed out on their once-in-a-lifetime chance to walk on water. Why? They were just playing it safe.

The only way to break the grip of fear is to get out of the boat.

Here is a step (not an easy one) that will help anyone who takes them dismantle the idol of safety.


In the movie Risen, Clavius finally took the biggest leap of faith in his life – he left everything behind (likely destroyed his career) and followed Jesus.

Fear is the darkroom where negatives develop. Fear will cause you to miss the best thing God wants to do with you. You may be feeling that God is asking you to do something, give something, serve somewhere, or launch something, and you’re a little afraid to do it. You just might be on the first day of the best run of your life.

As you reflect on the true meaning of the Easter season and the truth that He is risen, remember: God is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine!

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan


Explore the mystery that changed history! Video clips from the film Risen and devotional content written by pastor, author, and speaker Ray Johnston will help you experience the power of the Resurrection like never before during this Easter season. Churches interested in the Risen sermon series kit should visit for more info.


We would like to thank Ray Johnston and Outreach for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: