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My Father Can Be Your Father!Sample

My Father Can Be Your Father!

DAY 5 OF 6


All my growing up years this man, who was daddy to me, was often mistaken as a grandparent. Sure, everyone in the local town who knew us, knew the truth, but when we were shopping or out and about, I was often thought of as his granddaughter. Mother was 25 years younger than my daddy (only marriages for both), so they never thought that with Mother.  

Every morning I could remember from childhood to teen, my dad would open the stairwell door and wake me up with this, “Good morning, good morning, good morning. It’s time to rise and shine!” To him, I was always his little girl, and the song is etched deep within my spirit.  

It was April of 1963, and I was a senior in high school. Life was good. We didn’t have much materially and were one of few people in the local community that didn’t have indoor plumbing, but there was always great food on the table and stories as we sat around the table as a family. No one ever ate without Daddy praying over the food. 

My father wasn't used to sitting around; he was always on the move. He had a very minor surgery done on the bottom of his foot just a few weeks before his 80th birthday.  

One Sunday afternoon he was sitting near a window that faced my brother’s home.  Daddy loved watching his only son work on his vehicles in their driveway. He was so proud of him.  I set down beside him and as we chatted, I brought up my high school graduation that was a month away.  Dad never tried to hide things from me and was always forthright.  He said, “Honey, I won’t be at your graduation.”  I responded, “Sure you will daddy! Nancy, or Jim can push you in the wheelchair and you can sit beside them in the aisle.”  Once again, he reiterated that he could not make it. I was disappointed and had no clue what was about to come. His birthday was April 14th, and we had a cake for him, but he stayed in bed most of the day.

“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” John 14:1-3

On the morning of April 16th, something was different. As I ran down the steps in my youthful way and turned the corner where we had a bed set up because of his surgery, I didn’t get my usual morning greeting. Daddy was always awake early. Mother and I tried to rally him to no avail, so we called for an ambulance who transferred him to the nearest hospital. Daddy was in a coma.

Mother, my sister, and I stayed with him in his room and the last time I saw his beautiful baby blue eyes was when he awoke from the coma, sat up and looked at me, smiled and laid back down to take his last breath on earth.  

When I went home that afternoon, I wanted to cling to something that Daddy always had on him. I grabbed his wallet and hung onto it. Later as I opened it, I found an old worn piece of paper folded up in one of the pockets. As I opened it, the verse in today’s study let me know somehow that Daddy knew I would read the words he had carried for years and tucked away for this very day.  


Dad was old enough to be my grandfather, but he wasn’t, he was and always will be my daddy! This was my first encounter with the loss of someone this close to me and I was devasted. Have you ever wondered how you could go on without the direction, the countless stories, and guidance of someone you were sure would be there for you?


1. Who in your life has been your best guide?

2. Did you ever take for granted that person would always be with you?

Join me tomorrow as we end this plan and learn how anyone can have a loving Father’s guidance!


Day 4Day 6

About this Plan

My Father Can Be Your Father!

June is a month we celebrate our earthly fathers. Not all readers even want to consider such a celebration, because some homes were absent of a father image and others had horrible experiences, but whether you read this plan in June or any month of the year, I want you to know that my Father can be your Father! There is no reason for anyone not to feel unconditional love.


We would like to thank Eternity Matters With Norma for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: