
By Muriel Gregory
I was an emotional wreck the day my husband deployed. Promises of letters, care packages, and talks of what we would do when he returned sprinkled our goodbyes. That night I felt emotionally and mentally exhausted. I just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep through the whole deployment to escape the fear, the loneliness, and the responsibilities.
The phrase, “Do not be afraid” is repeated many times in the Bible because God understands we are easily frightened. The opposite of faith is fear. When I am anxious, my faith shrinks.
The root word for fear in Greek is phobo from which we get the word phobias. Fear can overwhelm, making us feel helpless.
There are many ways to deal with fear. Since fear tends to isolate, we need a supportive community. God created us to be part of a community. One of the many benefits of community is the ability to communicate with others. Talking through our fears can diffuse their power. When we share our fears, we feel less anxious.
Paying attention to our thoughts and feelings can improve our mental well-being. Paul urged us to “destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). God does not want us to live in fear. Mindfulness allows us to entrust our concerns to Jesus and receive His peace.
How to Flourish in Overcoming:
1. Do not isolate yourself.
2. Talk through your fears.
3. Be mindful of the present moment.
4. Have faith.
What is causing me to be afraid today? Replace fear with the Truth of Scripture.
Verses to Consider:
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 4:6-7
Matthew 6:34
About this Plan

God made us to flourish, not simply survive. How is that possible in the midst of storms, drought and desert places of life, and military life specifically? Psalm 92:12 says “the righteous will flourish” if we’re “planted in the house of the Lord.” This plan helps us flourish in ALL of life as we learn to plant our roots in Him.
We would like to thank PLANTING ROOTS for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://plantingroots.net/
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