
Flourishing Always Takes Time
I looked at its droopy leaves and sighed. "Why are you so unhappy little plant?" I lamented as I pulled a dying leaf from my Cyclamen plant. Picking up my phone I googled for the third time how to care for cyclamens and read a different blog this time to try and understand what was getting my pretty little plant so down.
Water from the roots not the top. Check. Water sparingly. Check. Fertilise. Check. Bright filtered light. Check. Mainly in the morning. Check.
Oh, no! I realised I was flooding my little plant with lots of afternoon sun. Hmm, maybe this was why my little plant was not flourishing? I carefully picked it up and moved it to my kitchen and hoped that maybe this would put a smile on its droopy leaves.
I waited, watered (sparingly), and watched. Over the course of a week, its little leaves started to perk up, and signs of new shoots started to appear. My plant had started to come alive again and turned that spot in my kitchen into a beacon of flourishing.
It took time to get my plant to a point where its outside reflected the flourishing that was taking place inside. It reminds me that, in those moments where our leaves are drooping and we’re feeling as though the very life in us is being sucked out, there is an Ultimate Gardener. He doesn’t need Google to figure out how to bring us back to life. He already knows what we need to flourish. Nourishment, care, and, most importantly, time. Flourishing always takes time.
Written by NERI MORRIS
About this Plan

Did you know that God created us all to flourish? From Genesis through to Revelation, His heart has been for His people – you – to flourish. However, we know that, as a result of sin, the world/ environment we’re living in is not as God intended it to be. How can we grow and develop to be all He created us to be?
We would like to thank Hope Media for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://hope1032.com.au/more-from-hope1032/
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