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Are Your Dreams Big Enough?Sample

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

DAY 1 OF 4

Awakening to Dreams That Are Big Enough

Friend, I have a big question for you today:

Are you dreaming big dreams—dreams that are big enough to glorify our great, big God? Or, have you forgotten about God’s vision for your life—the vision that He once planted deeply in your spirit?

Take the time to remember today:

  • Do you remember when you felt like you had a dream for your life—something bigger than what you could ever arrive at on your own?
  • Can you remember the awe you felt as you imagined a God-given picture of the “future you”?
  • Have you ever imagined yourself living out God’s call on your life—and that mental picture suddenly became so real to you that you found yourself weeping or whispering to God in reverence and awe?

Can you remember a moment in which you truly—even if only for that moment—awakened to God’s dreams for your life?

If so, it’s time to remember; reclaim that vision, and let the Holy Spirit brood over that dream in your heart again.

Someone reading this today—maybe you!—is no longer dreaming big dreams. You used to dream, but somewhere back in time, you allowed God’s big vision for your life to drain right out of your heart. You became content where you were.

You may still be working diligently toward small goals; you may still be laboring faithfully for the Lord. But you are not the “you” that you know God has called and ordained you to be.

If that’s you, it’s time to awaken to big dreams again.

I encourage you today to pray and make a pact with God. Let His power and inspiration flow into your heart, body, soul, and spirit. Ask Him—and allow Him—to refocus you with laser-like precision onto His plans for your life. Claim His promises for your life once again.

If you will ask Him in faith for His highest, best, and perfect will be done in your life, He will answer with His divine “yes.” As 2 Corinthians 1:20 tells us:

"For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”

Beloved, every promise Father God has ever spoken carries with it a “yes” from His heart to yours.

His heart is giving you divine permission right now to make every one of His promises happen. As you allow yourself to come into agreement with His plan for your life, pursuing His will with all you’ve got, you will hear His divine whisper seep deeply into your soul: “Let it be so.”

It’s time to believe again. It’s time to awaken to dreams that are big enough, dreams that show honor to our great, big God.

Pray the simple prayer below with me, for Holy Spirit waits to breathe on your soul with His awakening right now.

Here’s a simple prayer of awakening to dreams that are big enough:

Abba Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name.

Father God, I love You so much. I want Your best and highest and most perfect will for my life so much. But Father, I need You to wake me up. I can’t awaken myself; I depend upon You completely. So, Father, I ask in Jesus’ name right now that You would instruct me and teach me in the way that I should go. I pray that You would guide me with Your eye upon me.

Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I pray the Holy Spirit would come from the four winds right now and breathe on me, that I may live.

  • Wake me up to an awareness of Youand to intimate knowledge of Yourselfmore than I’ve ever been awakened.
  • Wake me up to Your plans and Your purposes for my life.
  • Wake me up to my calling in Christ Jesus.
  • Help me know exactly who I am in You and what You have called me to do.
  • Give me Your holy boldness to pursue and overtake everything You have for me in this age and in the age to come.

Father God, I pray that, like the apostle Paul, I would boldly forget those things which lie behind and press toward those things which are ahead.

Let me press toward the prize of Your high call in Christ Jesus with my whole heart. And Abba Father, as I press toward You–as I seek You–I pray my motives would always be pure. Keep me on a short leash, God. Don’t let my focus wander off of You, but help me keep my eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. Help me to seek You for Your face and not just Your hand.

Thank You, Father. As I seek You, I know that I will find You and apprehend everything You have for me. I choose to rest in Your promise that You who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it until the return of Jesus.

Thank You, Father God. I love You, and I give You all the praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Day 2

About this Plan

Are Your Dreams Big Enough?

Are your dreams big enough to represent Christ well and glorify our great, big God? Do you really believe and pray for all the BIG promises God makes you in the Scriptures? Or, does your faith need a boost? Read this Plan and get inspired to go after ALL God has for you!


We would like to thank From His Presence Inc. for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: