Walk Fit. Walk Full.Sample

Full of Purpose
It's hot, I'm tired, and I'm the only one left in the gym. I start packing up my weightlifting belt and shoes, stopping before reaching my locker. “Why am I here?” I remind myself of the goals I'm working towards and get back to work. It is easy to let frustrations like heat or fatigue divert us from our purpose. These diversions cause our path to bend around obstacles, climb over hills, and wade through muddy waters to get us back on course with God’s plan.
Let’s Examine: We are to love the LORD with all of our heart, soul, and mind. It's a call to sacred intimacy, integrity, and purity of heart. Our purpose is wrapped in our calling since God designed us with the capacity to love Him with our entire being. But what happens when the love of comfort, self, or another person becomes the main object of our love? Is it possible to fulfill a wholehearted purpose with a segmented heart? All means all. We love wholeheartedly to live purposefully. And we live purposefully from the riches of a wholehearted connection with God. Our spiritual journey is a lifelong mission that brings us deeper and deeper into the fullness of His presence, power, and purpose. The older I get, the more I realize that all things fall into place when I give God room to be God in my life. May your walk be more direct than mine. And may you find peace in His promises day after day.
Let’s Reflect: If you find yourself, like many of us, with a segmented heart, ask God to reveal who or what is fracturing your focus.
Let’s Walk: Focus on God's presence as you walk today. Breathe in His grace, accept His mercy, and make room in your heart to fulfill the purpose of your design. Make room for wholehearted love.
To check out Alida's weekly blog, click here: Pray Sweat Eat Repeat
About this Plan

Do you ever pray while you’re out walking? Contemplative Prayer Walking while savoring spiritual milk and meat brings about the fullness of living in Christ’s presence, power, and purpose. Let's Walk Fit. Walk Full. Together.
We would like to thank Alida Sharp for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://praysweateatrepeat.com/
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