Possess the Promised LandSample

Commit to Doing Things God’s Way: A Call to Obedience
Our actions have consequences—what we do and our choices impact ourselves and the people around us.
Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God told them of the importance of destroying everything in the cities that He gave them as an inheritance (Deuteronomy 20:16-17).
The Israelites were told that they were to destroy everything in the Promised Land and not to leave anything alive or to take anything for themselves.
As Joshua was leading the army against Jericho, he emphasized the importance of the Lord’s command to destroy everything in the city except for Rahab and those who were with her.
He also told the people, "All the silver and gold and the articles of bronze and iron are sacred to the Lord and must go into his treasury” (Joshua 6:19).
In the very next chapter, we see the consequences of a man named Achan’s disobedience and how it led to tragedy for Israel.
Achan’s greed caused him to disobey what God had commanded, and he took and hid some stolen items. Ironically, Achan had stolen in a land that had already been promised to him and the people of Israel.
However, Achan wanted things his way and in his time. “I coveted them and took them,” he said (v. 21). He knew that the silver and gold items were to go into the Lord’s treasury, but he hid them in his tent instead.
How often do we find ourselves like Achan? We want things so badly that we cut corners or make small compromises and think no one will know. But God sees all and knows all. We don’t consider the far-reaching consequences of our disobedient actions.
Achan was ultimately stoned, and Israel lost the battle against Ai due to Achan’s sin, a stern reminder of the seriousness of disobeying God’s command.
We need to obey the Lord in all things — not just in most things. There is no small area of disobedience.
Can you think of a time when you knowingly went against one of God’s commands?
What steps can you take to obey God and His word more fully?
About this Plan

Follow Dr. Kent Ingle as he examines the Israelites' steps to possess God's promises. Together we will discover the importance of obedience, meditating on God’s word, and stepping out in faith to receive the promises of God in our own lives. Dr. Ingle is the President of Southeastern University and has contributed numerous written works on leadership and spirituality.
We would like to thank Southeastern University for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: https://seu.edu
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