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7 Days of Miracle PrayerSample

7 Days of Miracle Prayer

DAY 3 OF 7

Your Enemies Will Turn Back

Today, we are praying into God’s promise that your enemies will turn back when you call upon the Lord.

Our Scripture verse for Day 3 is Psalm 56:8-11. As you pray through this Scripture today, think of your enemies outside the “normal description” of enemies. For example, think of enemies in your life like debt, addiction, hurts and wounds, et cetera.

Remember that we don’t wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, and the dark rulers of this present age (Ephesians 6:12).

You are in a spiritual battle, so pray for all your enemies, including practical and spiritual ones.

Also, as you pray today, notice the part of the Scripture that says, “I will praise His word.”

Remember that JESUS is the Word become flesh (John 1:1), so praising His Word is equivalent to praising Jesus. But why does this passage specifically state you will praise His Word?

It’s because His Word is equal to Himself; it’s part of Himself; it IS HIMSELF. And what God has said, He will do. God’s Word is part of Himself, and it will always come to pass. Whatever God has spoken for you, He will do! That’s why you can (and should) praise His Word today; His Word is JESUS!

So pray along these points today:

  • Thank the Lord for being your Shepherd.
  • Thank Him for being the God of all comfort. Praise Him for His compassion and lovingkindness toward you.
  • Then, cry out to the Lord. Tell Him briefly about the enemies you are dealing with. (Don’t belabor this point, as you don’t want to start feeling sorry for yourself. Just tell the Lord what you need His help with.)
  • Confess your need for help to the Lord. Ask Him to come in like a flood and help you.
  • Tell Him that you believe His Word: that when you cry out to Him, your enemies will turn back because He will turn them back!
  • Confess your faith to the Lord. Tell Him that you KNOW He is faithful, and that He WILL fight your battles as you praise Him and believe Him in faith.
  • Thank Him for fighting on your side. Take a moment to praise His Word, knowing that His Word is Jesus.
  • Ask Father God to fill you with His perfect love, which casts out fear. Thank Him for taking care of you so that you don’t need to be afraid.
  • Thank Him that no one can do anything to harm you. Thank Him for turning your enemies back today and fighting on your side, winning the victory on your behalf!

Beloved, God has written down every single one of your tears in His book!

He sees you and knows you. He knows your need. Cry out to Him today, and your enemies will turn back. You can be assured of this, for God is FOR you!

As the apostle Paul wrote:

“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:31-32).

Child of God, you can trust our Father today, for He is on your side! When you cry out to Him, your enemies will turn back. His Word guarantees it, and He is not a man that He should lie.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

7 Days of Miracle Prayer

Do you need breakthrough in the toughest times? If so, these 7 days of detailed prayer directives will encourage you, equip you, and help you receive the miracles you need from the Lord! As you pray through these Scriptural prayer points, God who hears and answers will move with strength and power in your life! He always watches over His Word to perform it.


We would like to thank From His Presence Inc. for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: