The Real Purpose of ChristmasSample

The Real Purpose of Christmas
When our children were young, we told them, “Don’t think of just a baby in a manger when you think of Christmas, because Christmas is about much more than that. It’s about God coming to earth in human flesh so He could die on the Cross to pay for your salvation and destroy all the works of the devil in your life. That is what Christmas is all about!”
Jesus’ purpose in coming to the earth was not just to give us the sweet picture of a baby in a manger. He was born to die a cruel death on the Cross, and to be raised from the dead so that we might be reconciled to God. And Jesus was so obedient to this eternal plan that He humbled Himself unto death, “even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:8).
At the time Jesus was crucified, the act of crucifixion was entirely in the hands of the Roman authorities. This punishment was reserved for the most serious offenders, usually for those who had committed some kind of treason against Rome or who had participated in, sponsored, or abetted state terrorism.
When He was crucified, Jesus’ naked body was flaunted in humiliation before a watching world. His flesh was ripped to shreds; His body was bruised from head to toe. As he died on the cross, He had to heave His body upward for every breath He breathed, and His nervous system sent constant signals of horrific pain to His brain. Blood drenched Jesus’ face and streamed from His hands and feet and from the countless cuts and gaping wounds the scourging had left all over His body.
In reality, the Cross of Jesus Christ was a disgusting, repulsive, nauseating, stomach-turning sight — so entirely different from the attractive crosses people wear today as jewelry or as a part of their attire.
Almighty God came to this earth, formed as a human being in the womb of a human mother, for one purpose: so He could die a miserable death on a cross to purchase our salvation.
In a season of the year when most people think of Jesus as the Babe in a manger, it is important that we remember the real purpose of His coming. Jesus was born as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world. For Jesus to humble Himself even unto the death of the Cross demonstrates to us how much He was willing to redeem you and me.
Questions to Discuss:
Christmastime is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon God’s eternal plan of salvation. What is your personal salvation story? When was the last time you shared your testimony publicly?
About this Plan

You may have heard the Christmas story before, but what if there was more to this story than you realized? Why did Jesus come to earth as a baby? Why did He choose to live among His creation at all? This 5-day plan dives deep into the miraculous events of that holy night to reveal the real purpose of Christmas.
We would like to thank Rick Renner Ministries for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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