Gracious Jesus 6 - the King’s TouchSample

Jesus Delivers
We see yet another breathtaking miracle of salvation to just one or two men. Notedly, Jesus, very tired from a busy day, crosses the stormy sea to save this one demon-possessed man and then goes back.
Each individual is important. Every soul matters. Satan’s destruction in this man’s life is visible in this case. In many others, not so visible. But He works the same way.
Satan’s Destruction
When Satan gets control of a life, he does/ is the following:
• D - isconnects from God – breaks ties with the creator. This is the first motive of Satan. Even good people, model citizens, may get disconnected from God. There are so many seemingly “good” ways, but only one “true” way.
• E - ntraps in impure surroundings – The demon-possessed man is covered in filth and surrounded by graves. In the modern world, he surrounds our minds with filth.
• M- anipulates into self-injury – we may not physically injure ourselves, but injury to the soul is worse.
• O - ne in purpose, all forces united
• N - umerous
• S - trong
Christ’s Liberation
Jesus is always willing to go to any lengths to liberate people. He:
• L - eaves his comfort zone
• O - verpowers storm
• R - eleases captives
• D - efeats Satan
People’s Repulsion
Confronted by the Lord Himself, they cannot acknowledge Him! They are initially amazed (Mark 5:20) but realize they have lost their possessions and start accusing Jesus (Mt 9:32-34). They then resist Jesus and ask Him to leave.
Disciple’s Compulsion
In a stunning turn of events, the demoniac becomes a disciple. He wants to follow Jesus, but Jesus leaves him behind as a witness to the hard-hearted people. Jesus never gives up on us and gives people many chances. But there comes a time people harden themselves to the extent they can never again receive God’s grace.
The story does not end here. When Jesus returned to the region in the year of His death, He fed 4000 people and healed and taught them. This time they are ready to hear Him. Is it the result of the witness of this joyful disciple?
The testimony
Of the man set free
Could counter the legion
Within the region
Absence of Satan
Is no liberty
Christ’s presence alone
Brings victory!
About this Plan

His hand brings healing to many. He touches the untouchable. His voice calms the seas and speaks power. He breathes new life into lives shattered and wasted by demonic influences. He even stops a pandemic. So simple, yet so powerful. So gentle yet so full of authority. So loving, yet tough on the hard-hearted! This is King Jesus, who walked among us and lives within us even today.
We would like to thank Bella Pillai for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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