Catechism: Prayer & Worship - RedirectedSample

Respond to the Challenge. Have you ever had a teacher, coach, or mentor who you loved? Finding someone who can push us and bring out our best is not just a blessing, but it’s how we grow!
The process is simple, but powerful. First they teach, sharing wisdom and information with us. Then they test us to discover if we’re able to understand and apply what we’ve been taught.
The test gives us the opportunity to respond under pressure. Our response reveals whether or not we trust what the coach taught us, if we studied what the teacher shared, and if we applied it in our lives.
In the same fashion, Genesis 22 records a conversation between God and Abraham where God challenged Abraham’s faith. The test was not just if Abraham loved God more than his son Isaac, but if Abraham would trust what he knew about God’s heart and character, even when it seemed hard or confusing.
We read the challenge presented to Abraham in verses 1-4, “Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much… Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you.” Imagine the initial feelings of dread that filled Abraham’s body at this request from his God.
The story continues and Abraham does as God requests, telling his servants in verse 5 to stay with the donkey and that he and Isaac would go on a little further. He tells them, “We will go worship, and we will return to you.”
You see, Abraham knew that God would provide, and he was going to obey and trust him by worshiping. Even when Abraham didn’t know how it would work out, he knew that he could trust God’s power and love.
Because he knew God’s heart and character, he was able to respond to God’s challenge with faithful obedience, worshiping God even before the answer was revealed!
Consider: Can you remember a time when God challenged or tested you? What did your response reveal?
Reflect: In light of God’s love and faithfulness to you, how can you worship and trust God even when you don’t understand all that’s happening?
About this Plan

You don’t have to be a relationship expert to know that communication is essential to any healthy relationship. In this 3-day Bible plan, you will explore how prayer and worship are part of our communication with God that redirects our hearts toward him, deepens our relationship with him, and focuses our thoughts on him. This plan is part 1 of 4 from the Feed Catechism's Prayer and Worship series.
We would like to thank OneHope for providing this plan. For more information, please visit:
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