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Are You Ready for What's Next?Sample

Are You Ready for What's Next?

DAY 3 OF 7

The promise

You’re exactly where God wants you to be. I know your circumstances might tell a story that says otherwise, but trust that God is going to keep His promise by using you for His purpose. One of the first stories in the bible, illustrates how God delivered the Israelites to the promised land that He spoke of. Throughout their journey, they were frustrated with Him because of the wilderness. Some of the Israelites became so frustrated that they would have returned to slavery and walked through God’s wilderness to get to the promised land. Child of God, you are called and chosen by God. This season of transition may look like the wilderness for you, but stay true to God on this journey and receive His promises. If God did it for the Israelites, He’ll do it for you.

Every part of your life has been woven into the fabric of His Kingdom. You may not be able to see or understand what is going on right now, but God will bring it all together for His good works. He has called you on purpose, for his purpose. While you’re in this season of your life, remind yourself to know that God is not done with you. If you’re feeling empty or alone, invite the Holy Spirit to come and take His place in your life. As written in ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8‬:‭28‬,

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Child of God, let down your guard and place your faith in God and trust Him with the outcome. God knows something that you don’t. Are you able to love someone you don’t trust? Do you think you could trust someone you didn’t love? Whoever is the first person that came to your mind when you answered those questions, I want you to replace that person with God. Trust and love are two important components of every intimate relationship. Do you trust God? Do you love God? God most certainly loves you and He trusts you to carry out His will for your life. The reason you can accept that is because of the promise that was kept when Jesus died on the cross. The promise didn’t stop when He was crucified. The promise continued when Jesus would resurrect in three days. If all of this is too much for you to conceptualize, I want you to know that the same spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead, is the same spirit that lives inside of you. The Bible reminds us that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM!

Before you were created, God created plans for you. When you’re in a season of feeling like you’re losing control and you do not know what’s next, remind yourself that God has never forsaken you and He never will. He’s got a plan for you. As stated in Psalms 139:13-16

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

Sometimes, the promise will blind you from the process. Sometimes the process blinds you from the promise. When you’re in a season of transition, it can be difficult to realize your worth because of your actions or your circumstances. But God keeps His promise that He’s placed in your life.

This isn't because of what you do or what you don’t do, but because of who you are in Him! Don’t allow your flesh to distract you from what your Spirit is thirsting for. Your flesh encourages you to get frustrated when God says “no”, but The Holy Spirit reminds you that His “no” is a “not yet”. God isn’t going to put you in a position to fail. He will ultimately mature you and posture you before him. God would hate for you to receive His promises and not enjoy the blessing. When you were a child, you thought and reasoned like a child, meaning there were things in this world that you weren’t ready to know, see, or fully understand yet. As children of God, there are things in God’s kingdom that He knows are not ready to receive yet.

When you’re dealing with the promises of God, ask yourselves “What is God's promise for my life?” God has promised to restore mankind from its brokenness. Jesus was the promise that was kept by God, to be sent to earth and to die for our sins. You’re the promise of God, as you were created in God’s image and likeness. By this, the day you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you received His eternal salvation.

Action plan:

Although this season is really hard to navigate and understand, you’re fully equipped with the power of God to bring understanding to any anxious or worrisome thoughts. Who does God say you are? God reminds all of His children that they are loved, saved, healed, and never forgotten. In Romans 8:39 scripture reads:

“Neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

There is a new season on the horizon for you. A season that will make sense to you. Today, I encourage you to take your position as a citizen of Heaven and allow God to use you as His vessel. God has a plan to use your pain for His purpose.

Prayer for today

Father God, thank you for what you are doing and what you’re going to do. I come to you with an open heart and ask that you will keep me in your will. I pray that you will fully mature me, and posture my heart so that it brings honor and glory to you. Lord, I not only thank you for saving me, but for purifying my heart to reflect your goodness. Help me to submit this season to you, knowing that you will finish what you've started. I submit my timeline, my worries, and my fears to you because you do not want me to carry this weight alone. Lord, may you continue to mold me in your image. Lord, I say yes to your promises, even if they don’t make sense to me. Lord, I trust you and I love you. Thank you for keeping me. In your name, I pray, Amen.

Day 2Day 4

About this Plan

Are You Ready for What's Next?

Have you ever had to ask yourself “What’s next?” When we’re in a season of transition, the unknown can be intimidating and scary. Seasons of transition are a natural segway of life. While some are unexpected, others are planned. This Bible plan will help you to navigate through this season of transition while trusting God's plan for your life.


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