Two Kingdoms - Part 3Sample
Read Matthew 13:44 - 13:46.
Think about this picture of the kingdom of heaven being like treasure. Treasure is hidden, it is usually only found by those looking for it. The man in our scripture today joyfully sold all he had to buy the field with the treasure. Everything he owned couldn't match the value of the Kingdom of Heaven. It was far better than any earthly possessions. The merchant looking for fine pearls also sold everything he had to buy it. The treasure and pearls represent things of value, things that are worth making sacrifices for.
Think about the two men in these parables who sold all of their possessions. They recognised that the kingdom of heaven is worth far more than earthly possessions. They also realised they needed to seek it as a priority. The two men found things of value because they were intentionally looking.
Go deep: Remember the verse, "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)? When our priorities are in order, God is faithful to provide everything we need. Are you intentionally seeking the kingdom of heaven? What might you need to "sell" or give up in order to obtain the treasures of God's kingdom?
Be bold: Often, the idea of sharing our faith with our friends requires us to let go of something; perhaps our ego, our fear of man, fear of rejection, or just apathy. Is there anything holding you back from being bold? Ask God to show you today.
Memorise it: "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field..." - Matthew 13:44 NIV
About this Plan
Two kingdoms - light and darkness. Did you know that you were made to shine in this world and reflect the kingdom of God wherever you go? Join TeenStreet as we discover what it means to be bold kingdom people. Share the plan with your small group and go deep in the Word together!
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