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Encouragement for When We DoubtSample

Encouragement for When We Doubt

DAY 2 OF 6

Did John Really Believe?

John was no ordinary man.. He was a chosen vessel, filled with the Holy Spirit even from his mother’s womb. His divine assignment was clear: to be the herald of the Messiah.

John the Baptist was committed to God’s truth. Regardless of the audience, John was unafraid to proclaim repentance and righteousness. He confronted sin head-on, addressing the sins of ordinary people and fearlessly challenging religious and political leaders who had strayed from the path of righteousness. His unique attire, made of camel’s hair, and his diet of locusts and wild honey marked him as a man of distinct character.

John’s relentless calls to repentance emphasized the imminent arrival of the kingdom of heaven. His powerful words echoed Isaiah’s prophecy, proclaiming, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight’” (Matthew 3:3). People flocked to John, confessing their sins and receiving his baptism in the Jordan River.

Despite his boldness and conviction, John’s faith extended beyond his courageous preaching. His profound understanding of Jesus Christ set him apart as a man of remarkable insight. He recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world (John 1:29). John understood Jesus’ divine mission and identity, acknowledging Him as the one who would restore the kingdom to Israel, the Son of God, and the source of eternal life.

However, even a man of John’s stature was not immune to moments of doubt. In an unexpected twist, we find John imprisoned and wrestling with uncertainty. As he hears about the works and ministry of Jesus, he sends his disciples with a perplexing question: “Are you the expected one, or shall we look for someone else?” .

John’s question does not signify apostasy or disbelief. Rather, it reflects doubt and the profound testing of a believer’s faith. In the face of trials, John seeks reassurance, a plea that Jesus does not dismiss. It mirrors the heartfelt cry of the centurion in Mark 9:24: “I do believe; help my unbelief.”

So, what led John to experience doubt? How does one transition from faith to weakness? Do you feel like John? Do you know all the right things, but still wrestle with doubt? Take some time right now to lay these at the cross of Christ. In the next devotional we will look at factors I believe led to him doubting.

Day 1Day 3

About this Plan

Encouragement for When We Doubt

What are you doubting right now? Has doubt been weighing upon you for longer than you can remember? What do we do with these doubts? Be encouraged. There is hope! Let’s look at Jesus’ cousin and see how he wrestled with doubt.


Plan provided by Straight Truth Podcast, in partnership with El Centro Network. Straight Truth Podcast is a production of Walking in Grace Ministries, the preaching ministry of Pastor Richard Caldwell, who pastors Founders Baptist Church in Spring, Texas. For more information, please visit us at and