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The Spirit Of AdoptionSample

The Spirit Of Adoption

DAY 1 OF 15

“In love He predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to the praise of His glorious grace, with which He has blessed us in the beloved.” Eph.1:6


Notice the word ‘adoption’ mentioned here in Paul’s letter to the Ephesian church. In Greek it is the word uihothesia. It will form the basis of this short study. The practice of adoption was not common among the Jews, but was more widespread in the Greek and Roman world. 


Therefore, the apostle Paul used this term to illustrate the truth that believers ‘in Christ’ have been given the status of “sonship” in the heavenly family of God; they can now call God “Father” (Rom.8: 15; Gal.4: 6) or in Hebrew ‘Abba.’ In fact, “adoption makes it clear that our sonship is conferred on us, in distinction from Christ’s, which is inherent.”  [Taken from The Shaw Pocket Bible Handbook, Walter A. Elwell, Editor, (Harold Shaw Pub., Wheaton , IL; 1984), p. 346]


As you study the Word of God you will better embrace the wonder of your adoption into God’s family through Jesus Christ. Furthermore, should the Lord lead you to consider adopting children into your family as an overflow of the inheritance that you have in Christ from God your Father, you would do so with true Christian joy overflowing in your hearts and not with condemnation, fear and guilt.


Parenthood by Bible standards reveals high responsibility. Children love learning by example and not just by words.  Today, many parents are not so concerned about the way their child should go, but more concerned about the way their child should not go.


Orthodox Jewish fathers living in Jerusalem relate various stories from the Bible to teach their own sons how to act responsibly. For example in the Kidron Valley in Jerusalem overlooking the Temple site and located close to the Garden of Gethsemane are a series of ancient tombs. They silently speak of men and women who influenced Jewish society in the past. One limestone tomb is traditionally identified as the tomb of Absalom, the son of David. His treachery against his father King David and his resulting early death due to this is recorded in 2 Samuel 18 and 19. 


Orthodox Jews bring their sons to the tomb of Absalom located near the edge of a Jewish cemetery and recall the tragic story of Absalom’s rebellion against his father. Their purpose is to paint a vivid mental picture of the dangers of disobedience and the high price a son pays when not following wise and godly counsel.


So whether it is dealing with biological children or children who have been adopted as it was in your case when you accepted Jesus into your life, it is necessary for you to know that in every family there are certain expectations drawn out by parents that must be shared with their children that upholds the honor and dignity of the family structure that they belong to.





Day 2

About this Plan

The Spirit Of Adoption

In this brief study on ‘The Spirit of Adoption’ , many misconceptions in the minds of readers about adoption and what it is will be dealt with and you will get to know with scriptural proof where you really stand in the Kingdom of God. Knowing the truth will help you daily live your Christian life to the fullest in God’s perfect will.


We would like to thank Christ Chapel Chennai for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: