Knowing God is the most important pursuit of your life. Knowing God will transform you, making you into the person He designed you to be. God has gone to great lengths to make Himself known to humanity, and to make a way for us to know Him. God really is the main character of the story, and He has ensured that we have a way to know exactly what the story is.
The Bible is a library; a collection of 66 unique works, organized in a fashion that tells us the story of God, and all that He has done, to rescue humanity. There is a reason it is the most enduring work of all human history: it tells us the most important story, the defining story, of existence.
The Bible comes to us in four movements: creation, fall, redemption, and new.
Creation: we see God bringing order to everything, and in bringing order, He blesses everything with goodness.
Fall: humans sin, rebelling against God’s order, bringing chaos, and fracturing the good creation.
Redemption: God goes to great lengths to bring humanity back into goodness. There are covenants made, sacrifices offered, and ultimately, God steps into human history to save us from our sin, and chaotic rebellion.
New: Through His plan for redemption, God has set His creation on a trajectory to be made new, a comprehensive transformation, erasing the fractures caused by sin.
Knowing God, means knowing His story. The Bible is God’s word, to us. It is the first place that He speaks to you. If you want to know God, get to know the Bible. Yes, it’s a lengthy library of ancient texts, which means it can be a challenge to read, but it is also full of truth to anchor your life to.
Spend your life getting to know the Bible, and you will begin to get a clearer picture of who God is, and who He is forming you into.
About this Plan
Let’s look at some of the CORE beliefs of Christianity, so that we can learn to live in Christ.
We would like to thank SoCal Youth Ministries - AG for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: