Psalms Vol. 2 | Redeemer Of My SoulSample
Enjoy today’s song “My Delight” as you read through, meditate on, and pray through Psalm 1. We’d encourage you in each day’s study to engage with God’s Word not only as something to be read, but also as something that fuels your creativity, your prayer life, and your vision of the “good life.”
To listen to, buy, or experience this album and other similar work, and/or learn how your work can be a part of our movement of scriptural creativity, visit The Garden City Project. Also, Join 150 of today’s top innovators and creative culture shapers, and get involved and grow in your worship and mission at our global Make Jesus Culture Conference.
About this Plan
"Redeemer of my Soul" is part of a larger passion project to interpret, sing, and experience the Psalms through creative and contextual music. This project attempts to blend the musical styles of Folk and Electronica —venturing a new perspective musically in folk and acoustic music. Visit our The Worship Catalyst to learn more about our Psalms Project and how you can creatively contribute .
We would like to thank Garden City for providing this plan. For more information, please visit: