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Ikoni ya Utafutaji

Éxodo 23

Mandaliletic yu'un chajbanwanej
1“Ma me lotil aiyejiluc xawal ta testigo,#Ex 20.16; Lv 19.11-12; Dt 5.20. soc ma me xawac' aba ta testigo yu'un te mach'a amen te bila spasoje.
2“Ma me xajoin te bayal ta jtul ta spasel te bila ma lecuque.
“Te c'alal ay testigo-c'op ya awal ta stojol te jchajbanwanejetic, ma me xawac' aba ta yalel lotil c'op soc te tsobol ta jtule, te jich ya stsac awo'tan te bila ma tojuc ta pasele. 3Soc ja' nix jich, ma me xacoltay ta c'op te jtul te ma'yuc bila ay yu'un#Lv 19.15. te ay bila ma lecuc spasoje.
4“Teme la atabey swacax o sburro te awajcontro te ch'ayem yu'une, ic'beya sujt'el ta stojol. 5Teme ay la awilbey sburro te mach'a ma lecuc yo'tan ta atojol te pacalix ta lum soc te yijc'atse, coltaya ta sloq'uesel yijc'ats te sburroe.#Dt 22.1-4.
6“Ma me xach'aybey sc'oplal ta c'uxtayel ta stojol jchajbanwanejetic te mach'a ma'yuc bila ay yu'une.
7“Ma me xawac' aba ta jowil leaw ta c'op te ya achajbanbey sc'oplal ta lajel te mach'a ma'yuc smul te toj yo'tane, yu'un ya me cac'bey castigo te mach'a ya sta smule.
8“Ma me xach'uun stsaquel taq'uin ta swenta xchajbanel aiyej, ya me xc'atp'ujat ta ma'sit yu'un c'oem. Jich ya xch'ay c'uxtayel ta swenta te mach'a toj yat'ele.#Lv 19.15; Dt 16.19.
9“Ma me xawuts'inic te jyanlume, melel ayix ta awo'tanic te bi yaiyel ainel ta yan lumq'uinal, yu'un jich nix me jyanlum c'oex ta Egipto.#Ex 22.21; Lv 19.33-34; Dt 24.17-18; 27.19.
Puersa ya sc'an ay cux-o'tanil
10“Ts'una ta aq'uinal te trigo soc te cebada jujun ja'wil ja' to ta swaquebal ja'wil. 11Yan ta sjuquebal ja'wil ac'beya xcux yo'tan te aq'uinale. Teme ay to ya xchicnaj xan loq'uele, ya me xju' ya swe'elinic te me'baetic te ay ta alumale, soc te ja'mal chambalametic ya me swe'elinic te bay ya spas sobrail yu'unic te me'baetique. Jich nix me xapas ta swenta te ts'usubiltic awu'une, soc te olivoetique.#Lv 25.1-7.
12“Waqueb me c'aal xapas spisil te bitic ay ta pasel awu'une. Ta sjuquebal c'aal ya me acux awo'tan.#Ex 20.9-11; 31.15; 34.21; 35.2; Lv 23.3; Dt 5.13-14. Jich me ya xcux yo'tanic uuc te awacax soc te aburroe. Jich me ya xcha'yich' xan yip a te awabat soc te mach'a q'uejel taleme.
13“Ch'uunaic spasel spisil te bitic la calbeyexe, soc ma me x'ana'ulay yantic diosetic, soc ma me ayuc xujt'uc ya awal loq'uel ta awe te sbiilique.
Oxchajp muc'ul q'uinetic
(Ex 34.18-26; Dt 16.1-17)
14“Ya me apasic q'uin swenta quich'jibal ta muc' oxeb buelta te jujun ja'wile. 15Ya me apasbon jq'uin swenta te waj ma ba yich'oj levadura. Ja' yu'un juqueb c'aal ya me awe' waj te ma ba yich'oj levadura,#Ex 12.14-20; Lv 23.6-8; Nm 28.17-25. jich me te bit'il calojbat mandale. Ja' me yuil te Abib te jich u te loq'uex tel ta Egipto. Ma me xtal awilonic teme ma'yuc bila ya awich'bonic tel jmajt'anine.
16“Ya me apasbon xan jq'uin ta swenta te c'ajoje, ja' te sba sit te awalts'unubile.#Lv 23.15-21; Nm 28.26-31. Ja' ni me jich ya apasbon jq'uin ta swenta te c'ajoj ta slajibal te ja'wil te c'alal loq'uix spisil a te bitic ats'unoje.#Lv 23.39-43.
17“Spisil winiquetic ya me stejc'an sbaic ta jtojol jo'on te Ajwalilon, oxeb buelta te jujun ja'wil.
18“Te chambalametic ya amilbonic ta jtojol, ma me xawac'bonic xch'ich'el soc te waj yich'oj levadura. Ma me xaq'uej te xepuil ta swenta yan c'aal.
19“Te bay mero lec sba sit te awawal-ats'unubic, ya me awich'ic tel ta templo cu'un te Ajwalilon te Dioson awu'unique.#Dt 26.2.
“Ma me xapay alal tentsun ta ya'lel xchu' te sme'e.#Ex 34.26; Dt 14.21.
Ch'ul abat yu'un Cajwaltic
20“Aiya awaiy stojol ya jticunbat ch'ul abat cu'un ta atojol, swenta yu'un ya scanantayat ta be. Ja' me ya yic'at bael ta q'uinal te chajbanbilix cu'une. 21Ma me q'uejeluc xawac' aba ta stojol. Ch'uunbeya sc'op, ma me toybaucat ta stojol, melel ja' me ya x'at'ej ta jwenta, soc ma xju' ya spasbeyex perdón yu'un te amulique. 22Yan teme ya ach'uunbeyic ta melel te sc'ope, soc teme ya apas spisil te bit'il calojbeyexe, ya me jcontroin te mach'atic ya scontroinate. Ja' me jcontro ya xc'ot te mach'atic acontroe. 23Te ch'ul abat cu'un ya me xneelaj bael awu'un. Tey me ya yiq'uex bael a ta bay slumal te amorreoetic, hititaetic, ferezeoetic, cananeoetic, heveoetic soc te jebuseoetique. Ja'ic te ya cac' ta lajel ta spisilic. 24Ma me xac'ainbey stalelic. Ma me xaquejan abaic ta stojol te diosetic yu'unique, ma me xach'uunic. Ya me ajin ta spisil te loc'ombaetic yu'unic soc te ch'ul balal tonetic tejc'ajtic yu'unique. 25Ja' nax me xaquejan abaic ta jtojol jo'on te Ajwalilon te Dioson awu'unique, melel ja' ya cac'bat bendición yu'un awe'el soc te ja' ya awuch'ique.
“Ma xcac' xnoptsaj chamel ta atojol. 26Ma xcac' xlajat ta ora, ja' to me te c'alal ya sta sc'aalelal te aworaile. Ma me ayuc ants ta alumal te jich nax ya xc'ax te yale. Soc ma me ayuc jtuluc ants te ma x'alaje.
27“Ya me jpuc bael xiwel soc aw, soc mel-o'tan ta stojol spisil te lumetic ta bay ya xc'axex bael. Ya me x'an loq'uel ta atojolic te awajcontroe. 28Ta bay ya xbeenat bael muc' me xiwel ya cac' bael tey a. Jich me ya x'anic loq'uel ta atojol te heveoetique, te hititaetic soc te cananeoetique. 29Ma me ta junuc nax ja'wil ya xjojch'aj te q'uinale, swenta yu'un ma me xbolob, soc jich ma xc'atp'uj ta ja'mal, soc ma x'esmaj te xchamsbalamul te ya yuts'inex ta patile. 30Ja'uc me to, c'unc'un me ya jticunbat loq'uel, swenta yu'un te c'alal ayix bayal anich'nabic a, jich me ya x'och awu'uninic te q'uinale. 31Ta bay c'alal ya xcom te aq'uinalique, jich ay: Ja' to me ta bay Mar Rojo, c'alal ta bay mar yu'un te filisteoetic, soc te bay jochol taquin q'uinal, soc c'alal ta bay muc'ja' Éufrates. Cac'ojbatix ta ac'abic yajwal te lumq'uinal, ja'ex me ya atenic loq'uel.
32“Ma me xapas trato soc, ni ma me bi xanopic yu'un te diosetic yu'unique. 33Ma me xawac' te ya x'ainic ta alumal, swenta yu'un ma me xyac'bat ale amul ta jtojol. Teme baex ta xch'uunel te diosetic yu'unique, ch'ayex me abi —xi' te Cajwaltique.

Iliyochaguliwa sasa

Éxodo 23: TZOXCH





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