Bereshis 13:15
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
For kol ha'aretz which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy zera ad olam (forever).
Bereshis 13:15 ஆராயுங்கள்
Bereshis 13:14
And HASHEM said unto Avram, after that Lot was separated from him, Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the makom where thou art northward, and southward and eastward, and westward
Bereshis 13:14 ஆராயுங்கள்
Bereshis 13:16
And I will make thy zera as the dust of ha'aretz; so that if a man can number the aphar of ha'aretz, then shall thy zera also be numbered.
Bereshis 13:16 ஆராயுங்கள்
Bereshis 13:8
And Avram said unto Lot, Let there be no merivah now between me and thee, and between my ro'im and thy ro'im; for we are achim.
Bereshis 13:8 ஆராயுங்கள்
Bereshis 13:18
Then Avram moved his ohel, and came and dwelt in Elonei Mamre, which is in Chevron, and built there a Mizbe'ach unto HASHEM.
Bereshis 13:18 ஆராயுங்கள்
Bereshis 13:10
And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Yarden, that it was well watered everywhere, before HASHEM destroyed Sodom and Amora, even as the Gan HASHEM, like Eretz Mitzrayim, as you go to Tzoar.
Bereshis 13:10 ஆராயுங்கள்
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