Luik 15:20
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Sae he ris up an he went bak hame tae hïs faither. But whan he wus yit a lang róads aff, hïs faither saa hïm cumin, an hïs hairt went oot tae hïm, an he run an throwed hïs airms roon hïm an he kïsst hïm.
Luik 15:20 ஆராயுங்கள்
Luik 15:24
Fer thïs sinn o mine wus deid, an noo he's bak tae life agane; he wus loast, but noo he's fun.’ Sae tha pairtie begun.
Luik 15:24 ஆராயுங்கள்
Luik 15:7
A tell yis, jist ïn tha same wye, thair wull be mair joy ïn heiven ower yin wrangdaer that repents o hïs wrangdaein, mair ner ower ninetie-nine that thïnks the' dïnnae need tae repent.”
Luik 15:7 ஆராயுங்கள்
Luik 15:18
A'll git up an A'll gae hame tae ma faither an A'll say: A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel
Luik 15:18 ஆராயுங்கள்
Luik 15:21
Tha sinn saed tae hïm, ‘A hae sïnned agin heiven an agin yersel, an A'm nae mair fït tae be caad yer sinn.’
Luik 15:21 ஆராயுங்கள்
Luik 15:4
“Say a man amang yis haed a hunnèr sheep; ïf he loast yin o thaim, wud he no lea tha ninetie-nine oot on tha muirs, an gang eftèr tha yin that wus loast til he fins ït?
Luik 15:4 ஆராயுங்கள்
வாசிப்புத் திட்டங்கள்