Jhone 9

Jesus cures a man boarn blin
1Yin day Jesus wus waakin alang an he cum on thïs man blin frae tha day he wus boarn. 2Hïs follaers axt hïm, “Rabbi, wha wus ït daen wrang that thïs here man wus boarn blin? Wus ït hissel, or wus ït hïs mither an faither?” 3“Nether thïs man, ner hïs mither ner hïs faither haes sïnned,” he answert, “but ït cum aboot sae that tha warks o God micht be showed ïn hïs life. 4Whan ït's daylicht, we maun dae tha wark o hïm that sent me. Nicht ïs cumin whan naebodie can wark. 5Aa tha while A'm ïn tha warl, A be tha licht o tha warl.” 6Wi that, he sput on tha grun an made some glar wi hïs spïttle, an püt ït on tha man's een. 7“Awa,” he telt hïm, “an waash ïn tha Puil o Siloam” (Siloam haes tha mainin o ‘Sent’). Sae tha man went aff, an waasht, an cum bak able tae see! 8Hïs nighbers an thaim that knowed hïm as a blin beggar-man axt, “Wud thïs no be tha same man that uist tae sït an beg?” 9Some ledged that he wus. Ithers saed, “Na, he jist favours hïm.” But tha man kep on tellin thaim aa, “It's me richt eneuch.” 10“Sae whut wye dïd ye git yer een apent?” the' axt hïm. 11He reponed, “Tha man the' caa Jesus made some glar an püt ït on ma een. He toul me tae gang til tha Puil o Siloam an waash. Sae aff A went an waasht, an eftèr that A cud see!” 12“Whar's thon man at noo?” the' axt hïm. “A dïnnae ken,” qo he.
Tha Pharisees luk ïntae tha hailin
13The' brocht tha man that uist tae be blin up afore tha Pharisees. 14Noo ït wus a Sabbath day that Jesus made tha mud an apent tha man's een. 15Sae tha Pharisees, they quïzzed hïm as weel aboot hoo he haed got hïs sicht. “He püt glar on ma een,” tha man answert, “an A waasht, an noo A can see.” 16A nummer o tha Pharisees saed, “Thïs man ïsnae frae God, fer he daesnae keep tha Sabbath.” But ithers axt, “Hoo cud a sïnner dae aa thaim mïracles?” An the' wur divïd ower tha heid o ït. 17Sae the' turnt agane an axt tha blin man, “An whut dae you say aboot hïm? Fer ït wus your een he apent.” Tha man reponed, “He ïs a proaphit.”
18Tha Jews still dïdnae believe that he wus iver blin, no tae the' sent fer tha man's mither an faither. 19“Is thïs yer sinn?” the' axt thaim. “Wud ït be hïm ye'r tellin iz wus boarn blin? Hoo cum he can see noo?” 20“We know fine weel thïs ïs oor sinn,” tha mither an faither reponed, “an we ken he wus boarn blin. 21But hoo ït's cum aboot that he can see noo, or wha apent hïs een, we cannae tell ye. Ax hïm yersels. He's oul eneuch tae taak fer hissel.” 22Hïs mither an faither wus taakin that wye fer fear o tha Jews, fer tha Jews haed thair mines made up tae pit iveriebodie oot o tha Meetin Hoose that allooed Jesus wus tha Christ. 23That's tha raison hïs mither an faither saed, “He's oul eneuch, ax hïm yersels.”
24Then tha man at wus blin wus brocht up afore thaim a saicont time. “God's yer wutness, sae taak tha truith noo,” the' saed. “We ken thïs man Jesus ïs a sïnner.” 25“A cudnae say,” qo he, “whuther he's a sïnner or no. Yin thïng A dae ken but. Yinst A wus blin, an noo A can see!” 26But the' kep on at hïm, “Whut dïd he dae tae ye? Hoo dïd he apen yer een?” 27He reponed, “A toul ye afore an ye wudnae lïsten! Whut dae ye want tae hear ït agane fer? Dae yous want tae stairt follaein hïm anaa?” 28The' yaukt hïm an saed, “You ir a follaer o thon fella, but we ir follaers o Moses here. 29We ken that God spauk wi Moses, but we dïnnae even ken whar thïs fella cums frae.” 30Tha man answert, “Weel, that bates aa! Ye dïnnae ken whar he cums frae, yit he apent ma een. 31We ken that God daesnae lïsten tae sïnners. But he wull lïsten tae yin that's God-fearin an daes hïs wull. 32Frae tha warl begun, ye niver heerd tell o summodie apenin tha een o a man boarn blin, dïd ye? 33If thïs man wusnae frae God, he cudnae a daen ocht ava.” 34The' cum bak at hïm, “You wur boarn steepit ïn sïn, an noo ye wud dar tae taich iz!” An the' throwed hïm oot.
“Ir we blin anaa?”
35Jesus heerd wurd the' haed throwed hïm oot, an whaniver he fun hïm, he axt hïm, “Dae ye believe ïn tha Sinn o Man?” 36“Wha ïs he, sïr?” tha man axt. “Tell iz sae A can believe ïn hïm.” 37“Ye hae saen hïm,” saed Jesus, “In fect, ye'r lukkin at hïm! It's hïm that's taakin tae ye!” 38Then tha man saed, “Loard, A believe!” An he wurshipt hïm. 39Jesus saed, “It's fer judgemen A'm cum ïntae thïs warl: thaim that ir blin A'll mak tae see; an thaim that can see, A'll show thaim that the' ir blin.” 40But some Pharisees that wur nearhan heerd hïm say thïs, an the' axt, “Whut? Ir ye sayin we'r blin anaa?” 41Jesus telt thaim, “Weel, ïf yis wur blin, ye wudnae be guiltie o sïn; but noo yis mak oot ye can see, yer guilt bides on ye.”

தற்சமயம் தேர்ந்தெடுக்கப்பட்டது:

Jhone 9: USNT





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