Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challengeตัวอย่าง

Holy Emotions - Biblical Responses to Every Challenge

วันที่ 9 จาก 30

Esther was an orphan who had been raised by her bachelor uncle, Mordecai. When King Ahasuerus decided that he wanted a new wife, his overseers staged the largest beauty pageant in all of recorded history. Esther won the beauty contest and found favor with everyone inside the palace walls. When Uncle Mordecai refused to bow to Haman, one of the king's chief advisors, it was decided that not only would Mordecai be killed, but Haman received permission from the king that the entire Jewish nation would be slaughtered. When Mordecai learned of this dastardly plan, he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes and went out into the midst of the city and wailed loudly and bitterly. Mordecai's response to horrific circumstances, unfortunately, may echo your response to your life's events. When you don't get your way, you follow the example of Mordecai, put on your mourning clothes and then whine and complain so loudly and passionately that the entire city hears you! If you selfishly and childishly choose to walk through life while dressed in sackcloth and ashes, you will deny yourself intimacy with the King of all kings! Oh ... you are still a Christian and you will still spend eternity with Jesus, however, your preoccupation with your pain will deny you the sweetness of cherished fellowship with Him while on planet earth. We mistakenly believe that if we cry out in pain loud enough, we will demand an audience with God. On the contrary, the true password to His presence is Thanksgiving! When Queen Esther heard of the pity party that Uncle Mordecai was throwing in front of the king's gates, she sent new garments to Mordecai but he refused to put them on. The Holy Spirit has given us a new wardrobe to wear as well, but often we refuse to embrace the garment of praise and instead choose to parade through life in the garment of pain. The King of all kings knows that His presence is the place of victorious living for you and the door is thrown wide open for you to enter. Unfortunately, you are unable to walk into the inner courts of His palace while dressed in the disappointment of your circumstances. Put on the garment of praise! Rather than writhe in emotional pain ... put your hands in the air and sing yourself into His presence!


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