Genesis 2:24
Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Version
That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife. In this way two people become one.
I-explore Genesis 2:24
Genesis 2:18
Then the LORD God said, “I see that it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make the companion he needs, one just right for him.”
I-explore Genesis 2:18
Genesis 2:7
Then the LORD God took dust from the ground and made a man. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nose, and the man became a living thing.
I-explore Genesis 2:7
Genesis 2:23
And the man said, “Finally! One like me, with bones from my bones and a body from my body. She was taken out of a man, so I will call her ‘woman.’”
I-explore Genesis 2:23
Genesis 2:3
God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world.
I-explore Genesis 2:3
Genesis 2:25
The man and his wife were naked, but they were not ashamed.
I-explore Genesis 2:25
Mga Gabay