Mga Bersyon ng Biblia
Annaahk John Manistsitsinikatahpi Jesus Manistsipaitapiihpiai 1979
Siksika (Blackfoot)Blackfoot
The Blackfoot Indians are found in Canada and the USA. The Blackfoot Confederacy is in southern Alberta. The Northern Blackfoot (Siksika), Blood and North Peigan people, are connected to the South Peigan, who occupied the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana, USA. The language is called Siksiká which means Blackfoot. Parts of the Bible were first published in Blackfoot in 1890.
Gospel of John
The Blackfoot Gospel of John called Annaahk John Manistsitsinikatahpi Jesus Manistsipaitapiihpiai was published in 1979. It was translated by Wycliffe Bible Translators and Blackfoot people and published by the Canadian Bible Society in 1979.
Digitised Edition
This text was digitised with the help of MissionAssist for the Canadian Bible Society.