
1 Thessalonians 5:18 Man says: My circumstances are so bad. What should I do? God says: Giving thanks is God's will, in everything.
James 1:2-4 Man says: What good can this trial bring me? God says: Trials can help you to CHOOSE to trust He will strengthen you.
3 John 1:4 Man says: I would love for my kids to turn out OK. God says: Kids who do what the Bible says give joy to their parents.
John 15:11 Man says: How can you always be so happy? God says: My joy is from a personal relationship with Jesus.
Romans 15:13 Man says: I just feel so depressed. I've lost all hope. God says: God can and will bring you out of this and add to that joy and peace.
Consider highlighting your favorite verse as you read it in your Bible App each day.
Okuma Planı Hakkında

I've had highs. I've had lows. How about you? Do you like that?? Me neither! Mustering up joy doesn't last does it? The Holy Spirit using Scripture brings joy despite hard times. What we think - that's what we act like. This plan will help us focus on what right thinking is!