Luke 15
Shavved then got Latchered
Lost and Found
The Bokro that was Latchered
The Lost Sheep
1Then sor the dickengros and wafodi mushes jelled posho Jesus to shoon lesti. 2And the rashais and jinimengros rokkered shukarly to ledee's kokoro. They penned: “Duva mush beshes along of mokardi mushes, and hals with them.” 3Then Jesus rokkered dula lavs to them:
4“Suppose yek of you mushes had a shel bokros, and yek of them nashed away. He'd ker what sor of you would. He'd muk the wavver ninety-nine and jel-to roder duva tickno bokro that's nashered. And he'd jel on dicking, till he latchered it. 5And kana the mush latchers his bokro, he riggers it on his dumo, and feels right losheno. 6And kana he's jelling back to his tan, he's savving sor the drom. He putches sor his kushti pals kitanay adre his tan, and sor the foki that were atching posho lesti, and pens: ‘Be losho along of mandi, pals, because mandi's latchered miro bokro that nashed away.’ ” 7And Jesus penned: “Mandi's pukkering sor of you the self-same kovel. Kana yek mush pens he's tatcherly ladged, tuti'll dick more pasta adre my Duvel's-tan-opre about lesti, than about ninety-nine that never did chikachi to be ladged about.”
The Lovva that was Latchered
The Lost Coin
8Jesus penned: “Suppose a juvel's got desh ruppeni koronas, and yek pers telay. Won't she dooder a mumeli, and yusser all round the ker, ta roder tradderly till she latchers it? 9And kana it's latchered, she putches sor her foki kitanay adre her tan, and pens: ‘Be losho along of mandi, because mandi's latchered the ruppeni korona that perred telay.’ ” 10And Jesus penned: “Mandi's pukkering you, my Duvel's chavvies are losheno in the same way over just yek wafodi that becomes tatcherly tugno about the wafodipen he's kerred.”
The Chavvi that shavved and was latchered
The Lost Son
11Then Jesus penned them a wavver story: “A mush had dui chavvies. 12And the tarno one putched his dadrus: ‘Dad, del mandi miri noko lovva out of tuti's kovels.’ So lesti's dadrus delled the lovva to the dui prals. 13Kek būt divvuses afterwards, the tarno rackelo got sor his kovels kitanay, ta jelled avri to a duro tem, ta kana he was adoi, he pestered it all out on wafodi jivaben. 14Then, kana sor his lovva had gone, a boro bokolipen velled adre duva tem. Sig the mush didn't have chikachi. 15So, lesti jelled to buti for a rai who jibbed adre the gav. This rai bitchered him adre a puv to del hobben to the balos. 16And the chavvi got that bokolo, he would have even halled the balos' hobben, because kekomeni would del chikachi to lesti to hal.”
17“And when he dicked mengi, he penned to his kokoro: ‘Sar kisi butiengries adre miro dadrus’ ker have dosta moro to hal, while mandi's mullering of bokolipen akai. Mandi'll atch opre to jel to my dadrus. 18I'll putch lesti: ‘Dad, mandi's kerred būt wafodipen aglal my Duvel, ta aglal tuti. 19Mandi's kek to be miloed tiro tatcho chavvi any more. Muk mandi be yek of tuti's butiengries.’ 20And the tarno chavvi did atch opre, and jelled home to his dadrus.”
“But he was still a boro drom avri from the ker, kana lesti's dadrus dicked lesti. His dadrus was dosta tugno, ta prastered avri to rokker with him. And kana he jelled up to him, he delled him a bori chuma. 21Then the chavvi pukkered leskro dadrus: ‘Dad, mandi's kerred būt wafodipen aglal my Duvel ta aglal tuti, and mandi's kek to be miloed tiro tatcho chavvi.’ ”
22“But his dadrus pukkered the butiengries. ‘Rigger the best jeffro and del it to lesti to riv, ta chiv a jangustri opre lesti's vast, and ker chokkas on his piris. 23Ta lel the tulli gruvni and mor it, and muk us hal ta sor be losho. 24Because, you jin, mandi's chavvi was mulo, and akno he's jivdo again. Lesti was lost and akno he's latchered.’ And ledee were sor losho.”
25“But sor dula cherus, the puro chavvi sas avri, adre the puv. Kana lesti jelled posho the ker, he shooned gillying and kelling. 26So he rokkered to yek of the butiengries, ta putched lesti: ‘What's going on?’ 27Ta the gero pukkered lesti: ‘Tiro pral's akai, so your dadrus has mored a tulli tickni gruvni because he's avved back kushti ta sasteem.’ ”
28“Then the puro chavvi was būt kino, and wouldn't jel adre the ker. So his dadrus avved avri to rokker to him and putch him to jel adre the ker. 29But the puro chavvi pukkered his dadrus: ‘Dickai! I've butied for tuti sor these bershes and never kerred kakka bongo, but in sor that cherus tuti never delled mandi as much as a biti bokro to hal with my pals. 30Sor your jivaben tuti's butied for the vongar that duva wavver chavvi's gone and delled to lubenis. But as sig as he's velled akai, tuti's mored a tulli gruvni for lesti.’ 31‘But his dadrus penned: “My chavvi, tuti's with mandi sor the cherus, and tuti can have sor of my kovels. 32So it was kushti for us to be losheno, because tiro pral was mulo, ta he's jivdo again. Lesti shavved, but akno he's latchered.” ’ ”
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Luke 15: ARKL
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