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Luke 17

Jesus Heals Ten Men
11While Jesus was on the drom
opre Jerusalem,
he jelled from Samaria to Galilee.
12While he was jelling up to a gav,
he dicked ten riffli nafli mushes.
They atched
a little way away from him
13and kicked up a godeli, rokkering,
“Jesus, Raia, have mercy on us!”
14When Jesus dicked them,
he pukkered,
“Jell and show your kokero
to the rashais.”
While they were on their drom
their riffli naflipen mukked them.
They dicked they were kushti again.
15One of the mushes
avved back to Jesus,
with a bori godeli
praising Mi-Duvvel.
16He fell on his mui
in the chik of the puv before Jesus,
“Thank you Jesus, parika tut.”
This mush was a foreigner
from Samaria.
17Jesus putched lesti,
“Weren't there ten wafedi mushes
made kushti?
Where's the wavver nine?
18Isn't anybody going to av back
to praise Mi-Duvvel
for what he's kerred,
except this foreign mush
from Samaria?”
19And he pukkered the mush,
“Atch opre and jell on your drom.
It is your faith
that has kerred tutti kushti again.”

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Luke 17: ARKL

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