与哥林多前书 13:5相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
Love and Marriage
5 Days
By focusing on our marriage within the context of Scripture, we give God the opportunity to reveal new insights about our relationship and strengthen our bond. The Love and Marriage Reading Plan features a focused passage of Scripture and quick thoughts each day to initiate discussion and prayer with your spouse. This five-day plan is a short-term commitment to help you invest in your lifelong relationship.
Being Intentional In Your Marriage
5 Days
A strong and healthy marriage doesn’t happen accidentally. Being intentional is key to having the marriage we’ve always dreamed of. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll dive into many different topics that will help you begin the process of being intentional with your spouse so that your marriage can be what you’ve always desired it to be.
Break Free From Envy a Six-Day Reading Plan by Anna Light
6 Days
Now, more than ever, we are faced with everyone’s life as they want it to be seen, and the comparison to our own lives stirs up envy. You do not want this spirit festering in you, but what about the damage envy causes when it is coming against you from another person? In this reading plan, you will discover how to overcome envy, safeguard your heart, and walk in freedom.
Forgiving Those Who Wound Us
7 Days
Whether we suffer emotional or physical wounds, forgiveness is the cornerstone of the Christian life. Jesus Christ experience all kinds of unfair and unjust treatment, even to the point of a wrongful death. Yet in his final hour, he forgave the mocking thief on the other cross and his executioners.
Seven Effective Prayers for Unsaved Husbands
7 Days
God designed husbands to be the lead servants of their homes/marriages. He is to lead his wife and children in the same manner that Christ led the church. When husbands do not know God as their Lord and Savior, they cannot lead by Christ's example. This devotional will provide seven effective prayers wives can pray for their unsaved husbands so that they may come into the knowledge of God's truth.
拥有智慧必须是每个人的目标。智慧说的不仅仅是智力,或拥有高于平均水平的知识,智慧更是“以神的心为心”。我们可以根据神的旨意去理解、衡量甚至决定每一步, 箴言教导说:“因为耶和华赐人智慧,知识和聪明都由他口而出。”(箴言2:6) 通过“与耶稣同行”灵修系列,我们将学习成为主的门徒。靠着神的话语,智慧日益增长。