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与彼得前书 5:7相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文

Remembering All God Has Done
5 Days
It is our natural tendency to look to the future, but we should never forget the past. This plan is designed for you over a 5-day period to remember all that God has done in shaping you into the person you are today. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional designed the help you remember the key events of your walk with Christ.

6 天

我的恩典够你用:对哥林多后书 12 章的研究
耶稣对使徒保罗说:“我的恩典够你用的。”你知道这个应许背后的故事吗?保罗的生活中充满了极大的困难。 古大卫的这本灵修是对哥林多后书 12:7-10 的逐句注释。在神的话语中找到安慰和希望,效法保罗在苦难中信靠神的榜样。愿你得激励,因为神的恩典够你用!