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与使徒行传 10:10相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
上帝的护甲 - 使徒行传
10 天
穿上上帝的军装并不是每天早上都要进行的祈祷仪式,而是我们可以从年轻时开始的生活方式。 克里斯蒂·克劳斯 (Kristi Krauss) 撰写的这份阅读计画着眼于《使徒行传》中的英雄。
The Better Reading Plan
28 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed, dissatisfied, and stuck in a rut? Wishing your day-to-day life could improve? God's Word is your guide to brighter days. During this 28-day reading plan, you will discover ways you can go from living just a good life to living the type of better life that God desires you to have.