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与申命记 31:6相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
你从未孤单。无论你已信基督30年还是你初信的第一天,在我们生活里的所有挑战中,这一真理坚定不移。从这个灵修计划中,学习如何有效地寻求信奉神的帮助。 摘自戴维·J·斯旺特的书《这个世界之外:基督徒的成长与目标指南》。
Thrive. A 14-Day Devotional for Singles
14 Days
Despite what many people think, singleness is not a disease. It’s not the lesser option. Singleness is God’s gift to you today. In Thrive, Lina AbuJamra – who has been single for over 50 years – will show you how you can make a difference with your life right now instead of sitting around waiting for something to happen to you. If you’re ready to figure out what God has to say about singleness instead of relying on your own feelings and conclusions, this plan is for you.