与马太福音 22:36相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
5 天
“『爱』是韦氏字典网站(www.Merriam-Webster.com)最常被搜寻字的前十名之一。 而网站字典的编译者们给了一个明智的评论:“我们在猜想许多到我们网站的访客都有一个同样的问题-『爱』的定义是什么?然而它实际上的意义是字典无法定义的。他们是对的。我们必须从圣经当中来找答案。让我们藉由Logos圣经软件花五天的时间来学习『爱』。”
Craig & Amy Groeschel’s From This Day Forward
7 Days
You can have a great marriage. The choices you make today will determine the marriage you will have tomorrow. Pastor and New York Times bestselling author Craig Groeschel and his wife, Amy, show you how five commitments can help you fail-proof your marriage: Seek God, fight fair, have fun, stay pure, and never give up. Get the marriage you always wanted, starting right now — from this day forward.
12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid
12 Days
Dr. Tim Elmore joins with Life.Church to share 12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid. We all want the best for our kids, but sometimes our own good intentions misdirect their paths. Let’s correct course and lead our children to become thriving adults and fully devoted followers of Christ. For more content, check out finds.life.church