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与罗马书 8:1相关的免费读经计划和灵修短文
Jesus: Our Banner of Victory
7 Days
When we celebrate Easter, we celebrate the greatest triumph in history. Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, He forever defeated the power of sin and the grave, and all their resulting side effects, and He chose to share that victory with us. This Easter week, let’s dive into some of the strongholds He conquered, reflect on the fight He fought for us, and praise Him as our Banner of Victory.
如何顺着圣灵而活? 犯罪会被定罪吗?我是神的儿女吗?经历苦难重要吗?神对我的应许是什么?想寻求更深的答案吗?来学习罗马书第八章吧!发现神的话语中的真理,找到对耶稣的信心的确据,借着古大卫的永存之道圣经注释,继续在属灵生活中成长。