與 腓立比書 2:7 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
The Alabaster Jar
5 Days
A life poured out. We see an example of this in Mary who anointed Jesus (John 12:1-8). In these next 5 days, let us do as Mary did and smash the alabaster jar, so we may be overcome by the fragrance of Jesus.
塑造成酷似耶穌:腓立比書第二章的反思 (Becoming More Like Jesus: Reflections on Phil. 2)
What's Next: Student Edition
7 Days
This 7-day foundational plan helps you explore God’s Word to discover who God is and who He has made you to be.
Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light
7 Days
You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you.
基督六家靈晨靈糧系列之3 —— 踐行信仰的人生
《靈晨靈糧》是基督六家在疫情期間推出的每日靈修計劃,為弟兄姐妹提供屬靈餵養。本計劃精選劉鴻昌傳道 Jeremy Liou 的14篇作品,分享如何將信仰實踐在基督徒的日常生活中。
Children's Advent House
25 Days
Dearest Mom, does the Christmas season seem to pass you by in a flurry of excitement and chaos? This year can be different. Discover the treasure of Christ’s love with your children this Christmas! The Children’s Advent House is a beautiful twenty-five-day devotional, complete with a coordinating Advent House printable to help point your children’s hearts to the Lord and make this Christmas season the most meaningful yet!