與 腓立比書 4:7 相關的免費讀經計畫與靈修短文
Crazy Love With Francis Chan
7 Days
Taken from his New York Times bestselling book "Crazy Love," Francis Chan delves deep into God's amazingly crazy love for us, and what our appropriate response to such a love should look like. But he doesn't stop there, challenging us to reflect on God's greatness and the huge difference between His eternal majesty and our temporary lives here on earth.
Break Free From Comparison a 7 Day Devotional by Anna Light
7 Days
You know God offers you a more abundant life than the one you're living, but the sad truth is comparison holds you back from going to the next level. In this reading plan Anna Light uncovers insights that will shatter the lid comparison puts on your capabilities, and help you live the free and abundant life God designed for you.
聖誕之光:重拾恩典 (將臨期主題三)
7 天
聖誕節是一個充滿著商業氣息的節日。購物與大餐、歡笑與消費,五彩紛呈的櫥窗、五花八門的娛樂,仿彿成了這個節日的主題。聖誕節,也在向我們發出這樣一個問題:我們到底想要什麼?是那轉瞬即逝的浮華與歡笑?還是一份真正的、從永恆而來的禮物? 將臨期(Advent)是指「即將來臨」的意思,我們在這期間透過安靜預備自己,記念耶穌基督兩千年前在伯利恆的馬槽降生,默想祂此刻在我們心中的同在,也企盼祂在末世的榮耀中再來。我們渴望上帝介入我們的生命,經歷光照與覺醒,在熟悉的事物中發現上帝同在的痕跡,經歷救贖的喜樂。 將臨期主題三:喜樂之光——重拾生命中的恩典並以耶和華為樂 將臨期的第三個主日,我們強調因救恩而產生的喜樂,因此蠟燭的顏色轉為代表喜樂的粉紅色,提醒我們基督降臨所帶來的無限恩典與歡欣。我們在這一週中,學習操練以耶和華為樂,並謙卑地順服祂的道,深深經歷祂在我們生命中的奇妙作為。 靈修閱讀計劃按照四個主題而編排: 啟示之光——醒悟與等候以迎接一個嶄新的開始 復甦之光——悔改與潔淨以選擇從罪惡歸回上帝 喜樂之光——重拾生命中的恩典並以耶和華為樂 盼望之光——迎接主的來臨殷切地盼望主的再來