God's Word Through African Eyes: A 30-Day Devotional預覽
How to face suffering: a devotion on faith and hope
From an Africa Study Bible article titled “Suffering—God’s Goodness and God’s Power”:
Christians know that God is all powerful and that He loves us. Yet we suffer. Some Christians teach that followers of Christ should not suffer and should not be sick. Christ’s redemption on the Cross does not mean we will not suffer, but it equips us to face suffering. In our suffering, believers have hope because we know that our suffering in this life is brief and our blessings in heaven are eternal (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
Although the Bible offers at least five explanations for suffering, it gives no easy answer to why a particular person in a particular situation is suffering. In broad terms, the difference between Western and African views of suffering is that the African view, which is similar to the biblical one, regards suffering as something to face rather than something to explain. The question for an African is how, not why.
The important question for us is therefore, “How can I face suffering?” The Christian is given courage by the Cross, supported by the church, strengthened by the experience of suffering, and looks forward to the utter defeat of suffering in the life to come. We know that a suffering world is not the way God intended things to be and it is not the way things will always be. Believers live in the comfort of hope, knowing that there will come a time when there will be no more sorrow, no more death, no more pain or tears (Revelation 21:1-4. Because we are people of the cross, we identify with oppressed and persecuted people. This hope arms us to face the cruelty of suffering and pain without wavering.
When you face suffering, it may feel like God has abandoned you. But continue to pray and participate in Christian community. Continually remind yourself that God promises never to leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Ask for grace to trust Him even in suffering. When you see others suffering do not be quick to judge them but quick to comfort.
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