Seeing Christ In Ruth: A 5-Day Devotional預覽
1:1–5 Although the times of the judges were dark, when “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judg. 17:6), God still was calling to Himself a believing remnant. Through Elimelech’s decision to take his family to Moab (whether right or wrong), God would work to fulfill his promise to Abraham, “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen. 12:3). This story is an important piece of the overarching story of redemptive history. The last word in the book will make this abundantly clear.
1:6–13 Naomi hears that the Lord had shown favor to His people by ending their famine in Judah. She starts on the return journey from Moab with Orpah and Ruth, but then considers their situation and pleads with them to turn back. Using the language of covenant love, “deal kindly” (hesed, v. 8), she prays that the Lord will give them the security of home and family in Moab. She has no other sons to fulfill the levirate marriage law, and at her age she cannot provide them now. She grieves that her own circumstances have affected them so disastrously, feeling that the Lord’s hand was against her. But death of loved ones is ultimately the result of living in a fallen world; it comes to all. Far from being against her, the Lord is working through Naomi’s grievous circumstances to bring into the world One who ultimately will redeem her and all His people from death forever (Col. 2:13–15; 2 Tim. 1:10; Rev. 21:4).
1:14–18 Orpah tearfully kisses Naomi good-bye, but Ruth insists on staying with Naomi. She declares her faithful, loving commitment to Naomi, her people, and her God until death. Ruth is willing to leave her native country and its worship of the pagan god Chemosh to become a part of the people of God in the land of Judah—despite poor earthly prospects there. In these ways, Ruth not only demonstrates the reality of her faith in God by her actions, she also becomes a living demonstration of His covenant love to Naomi.
1:19–22 Naomi rightly attributes her circumstances to the sovereign Lord, but she sees only what He has taken away. Her grief blinds her to what He has provided: in His grace God had given her a husband, two sons, and two daughters-in-law. She is returning to Bethlehem with one of them, and with Ruth her life is anything but empty. God’s timing is also gracious and full of hope as they return at the beginning of the barley harvest.
The Bible tells the story of salvation from beginning to end. Throughout history, God was at work to bring His rebellious people back to Himself. Seeing Christ in Ruth: A 5-Day Devotional is a reading plan with Scripture and notes from ESV Gospel Transformation Study Bible.