Temples In The Holy Scriptures預覽

This new temple will be built in Jerusalem after the coming of the true Messiah (Ezekiel chapters 40-44).
This is the fourth temple and will be the place of worship for the restored nation of Israel in the millennial reign of Christ.
The prophet Ezekiel describes the plan of a literal temple that will be on earth in the city of Jerusalem during the millennial reign of Christ (Rev. 20:1-3).
During the 1000 years of peace, the millennial temple will have the benefit to refer back to the sacrifice of the Messiah as the Lamb of God who was sacrificed for the sins of the world (Heb. 10:5-12). The floor plan of the temple is in the form of a cross on which there are seven points of reference where the objects for service in the temple are placed. The one line begins at the outer gate, which symbolically alludes to Jesus. He is the door through which we can access the Holy Place, and the mercy throne of God. The next point on the line is the altar of sacrifice which points to the sacrifice of Jesus. Then there is the laver in which blood and water are mixed - the proof of the complete work or sacrifice of Christ. Still on the same straight line, we come to the altar of incense in the temple, which refers to the prayer in the name of Jesus. Through prayer we gain access to the torn veil, access to the throne of grace. The other line which cuts across this line to form a cross shape, stretches from the golden candlestick to the table with the showbread. The burning light refers to Jesus as the light of the world, and the loaves to Jesus and his Word as the bread of life.
According to Ezekiel 43:6-12, the Lord gave all the detail so that the Jews can focus on the holiness of God, and that that can lead to a change of heart. The worship is based on the Levitical order under the Mosaic Law.
In this description of the millennial temple, the prophet Ezekiel ensured the people that the Lord would keep his covenant promises, and that one day they would once again have the glory of God's presence among them as a nation.
Other prophets also had a word of encouragement for the people (Isa. 2:1-5; 60:1-13; Jer. 33:18; Joel 3:18; Mic. 4:2; Hag. 2:7-9; Zech. 6:12-15; 14:16-21; Ezek. 37:24-28).
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Through the centuries, the mere thought of Jerusalem has stirred the deepest feelings in both Jews and Christians. Jerusalem - Jerusalem, the city of the living God! Jesus wept over Jerusalem wherein the temple of the Lord stood. The prophet Isaiah spoke of this city and place in Isaiah 2:2-3. In the history and prophecies of Israel, there are references to four temples we will study in this plan.