Introduction To Exodus: 5-Day Study預覽

The Christ of Exodus
Exodus contains no direct messianic prophecies, but it is full of types and portraits of Christ. Here are seven:
1. Moses: In dozens of ways Moses is a type of Christ (Deuteronomy 18:15 ). Both Moses and Christ are prophets, priests, and kings (although Moses was never made king, he functioned as the ruler of Israel); both are kinsman-redeemers; both are endangered in infancy; both voluntarily renounce power and wealth; both are deliverers, lawgivers, and mediators.
2. The Passover: John 1:29, 36 and 1 Corinthians 5:7 make it clear that Christ is our slain God and the Passover Lamb.
3. The seven feasts: Each of these feasts portrays some aspect of the ministry of Christ.
4. The Exodus: Paul relates baptism to the exodus event because baptism symbolizes death to the old and identification with the new (Romans 6:2, 3; 1 Corinthians 10:1, 2) .
5. The manna and water: The New Testament applies both to Christ (John 6:32, 35; 1 Corinthians 10:3, 4) .
6. The tabernacle: In its materials, colors, furniture, and arrangement, the tabernacle clearly speaks of the Person of Christ and the way of redemption. The development is progressive from suffering, blood, and death, to beauty, holiness, and the glory of God. The tabernacle is theology in a physical form.
7. The High Priest: In several ways the high priest foreshadows the ministry of Christ, our great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14 ; 9:11, 12).

This 5-day study offers you a quick overview of the book of Exodus. You’ll learn about the book's theme of redemption, authorship and historical timeframe, the presence of Christ in Exodus, and survey the major events. Day 1: Overview to the Book of Exodus / Day 2: The Author of Exodus / Day 3: The Christ of Exodus / Day 4: Keys to Exodus / Day 5: Survey of Exodus