I Can’t Do This on My Own
No matter where we may be on our journey of finding our way back to God, we all have stuff in our lives that we are still holding on to. For some, it’s a secret activity or habit that nobody else knows about. For others, it’s pretty obvious what we’re still chasing.
What is it for you? What do you need to let go of? God rarely puts something new in your life until you let go of something old and broken.
That’s why the next step beyond awakening to regret is awakening to help. This third awakening moves us a giant step closer to God because we realize we can’t do it alone. What happens next?
We make a call. We have that conversation. We walk into a support group. We find ourselves sliding into the back row at church We fall on our knees and cry out, “God, if you’re real . . . !”
Turning away from destructive choices and seeking help is a part of repentance. To repent is to go home, returning to where you came from and where you belong. Going home is about being forgiven and receiving assurance of life after this life, but it’s also about finding new meaning and direction for life that you can’t find anywhere else. It’s about having a relationship with God. It’s about redirecting your life and returning to where you’ve come from and where you belong. When you repent, God changes you. You are different. The Bible says that God’s Spirit comes to live inside you, and that results in a recognizable and ongoing transformation.
Keep in mind that repentance doesn’t mean feeling bad. As a matter of fact, the Bible says true repentance leads to “times of refreshing” from the Lord. Repentance is about starting over and admitting, “I need help.” This call to repent, to turn away from our sin and return home to God, is for everyone.
This could be the day you go home. Get up from where you are and come home to where you belong. It does not matter what poor decisions you have made in the past. God is saying to you, “Whatever you have done, whatever you have become, it doesn’t matter. Just come home.”
What do you need to repent of today? How might repenting lead you to “times of refreshing” with God
你是否在尋求更有深度的人生? 無論你目前與上帝的關係是怎樣的,尋求深度其實是想回到上帝的一種渴望。在尋求上帝的歸途中,我們都會多次經歷「靈性醒悟」的時刻。這些時刻好比高速公路上的里程標 ,每經過這樣一個里程標,你就越接近你心神嚮往之處。我們想尋找上帝,其實上帝更想要我們尋見祂。