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Gathered Again預覽

Gathered Again



Come, let us reason together

That is the way some translations render verse 18. Others say, “Come, let us discuss this.” Implied in either is a gathering of the people of God with God Himself. Gathering together is a time to both discuss what we are doing as the people of God and to also hear from Him.

The people of Israel were not living up to their end of the covenant. That’s really not a surprise if you’ve read the Old Testament. The people were always messing up. I find that comforting in a weird way. Probably because I’m always messing up, too! Living like God wants us to live is difficult at best and almost impossible. When we gather together, it’s a time to reflect how well or how poorly we are managing to follow God’s design for living.

It is also a time to hear from Him. Notice in the passage that there is a word of hope when the people gather. There is forgiveness available from the Father when we acknowledge our sins. That forgiveness should also be a sign of our gatherings; the recognition that we have been forgiven and made clean by the blood of our Savior. 

Gathering gives us a chance to reflect on what God has asked of us. We can remember His faithfulness to forgive. We can be inspired to submit our wills to His and enjoy the good blessings of our Father.

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Gathered Again

Gathering again with your friends and faith family has never seemed fresher in our lifetime. After the abrupt ending to the Spring Semester, college ministries and church gatherings have the potential to be extra special this fall. Explore some verses that deal with this aspect of the Christian life, Gathering Together!
