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Discover the Wrong You Were Born to Make Right預覽

Discover the Wrong You Were Born to Make Right


Jesus could have chosen someone important. He could have chosen someone polished. He could very well have chosen someone who was older or more experienced or qualified. But Jesus just didn’t. And I love that He didn’t. 

Everything changed for Peter and Andrew that day on the lake. They were drawn out of their mediocrity and invited into meaning. They were called out of ordinary and given the gift of extraordinary. They were shaken out of normal and drawn into a radical new way of life. Because someone showed up who was powerful enough, radical enough, just crazy enough to see the potential in those two ordinary kids. And I know this about Jesus: He sees the potential in you too.

God doesn’t see us the way the world sees us. He doesn’t see us for who we are currently. He sees us for who we could be. He sees us for our potential. Because He created us, after all. He knows all that lies within us. He placed within us skills and abilities that are waiting to be uncovered. We don’t uncover them and then use them. We uncover them as we use them. When we are pushed out of what’s comfortable, to the edge of where we think we can go, suddenly we discover how God equips us to go even farther. 

Nothing can disqualify us from the calling God has placed on our lives. If He has called us, He will qualify us. If He has invited us, He will equip us. If He has sent us, He will give us everything we need to say yes. 

I so want you to experience the Jesus I have met. I so want you to meet the most radical individual to ever have stepped foot on this planet. I am so hungry for you to encounter this Jesus who wants to lead you into a more adventurously expectant life than you ever could imagine. Please. Please. Don’t miss the most incredible invitation ever given. It’s right here and it’s extended to you. Jesus is reaching out, inviting you into a whole new, radical, wild way of living with the same three words He has been using all along to gather revolutionaries together and shake up the world. “Come, follow me.” 

The only question is, how are you going to respond? 

Question: What is that thing in your life you believe disqualifies you from leading, making an impact or discovering the wrong you were born to make right? Are you ready to believe Jesus truly sees the potential within you?  

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Discover the Wrong You Were Born to Make Right

Here’s to you. The wild. The risky. The rebels. This study is about passion and purpose and what makes our souls come alive. This is about unity and peace and real, authentic, costly love. This is about a Jesus who is better, more beautiful, more radical, more untame, more risky, more wild than we ever imagined. Are you ready to discover the wrong you were born to make right?
